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Perfect (adj.) Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.


"Listen man, you can't just go around talking shit alright?" Todd, the drummer of our band, states "She's powerful, way more powerful than us" He sighs "She could ruin our careers"

"But she won't" I shrug, tossing clothes into a suitcase "If she does, then who the fuck cares?"

"Bro! We all fucking do! We put so much shit on the line for this" He yells and I roll my eyes "You need to be nice to her"

"How am I supposed to be nice when she isn't?' I ask.

"As the wise Selena Gomez once said kill 'em with kindness" He shrugs and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Whatever man, hurry up and get the guys. We've got a plane to catch" I zip up my suitcase and grab my phone putting it into the pocket of my jeans, dragging my suitcase behind me, I trail down the steps, looking out of the window to see if my driver is there.

"Guys! He's here!" I yell, taking my suitcase outside and putting it into the trunk. I climb into the front seat, the rest of my band following after me. They all climb into the back seat and we drive to the airport, my manager calling me on the way there.

"Hello?" I answer the phone, the guys and I walking into the airport.

"Hey, stuffs blowing up after the whole Axel and you thing so we've talked to her managers and they've agreed that you two need to host an awards show together" He tells me.

"What the fuck?"

"It's the only way to make this blow over and not make it seem like the two of you hate each other"

"Fuck, no" I shake my head.

"Do it, or you're fired" He clips, and I roll my eyes.

"Good luck finding someone to replace me" I shrug.

"Austin, do it. I'm not fucking playing with you. I expect you to be in LA by the end of the week for this awards show"

"Fine, whatever" I huff, rolling my eyes and hanging up the phone. We pass through airport security and we get on the plane, taking the long flight to Seattle.

When we land we hurry out of the airport and to the car, getting a ride to the hotel. When we get to our hotel room, I flop onto one of the beds, Gus, our guitarist, jumping down next to me. Before he can begin talking, my phone rings, an unknown number on the screen.

I look at Gus and his eyes widen "Answer it" He tells me and I click on the green circle, holding the phone up to my ear.


"Hi, it's Axel Tyler" She says into the phone, and it's my turn to have my eyes widen. I sit up quickly, and clear my throat.

"It's Axel" I whisper yell to him, covering up the microphone with my hand. He sits up too, putting his ear against the back of my phone, listening to the conversation.

"Oh shit!"

"Uh, yeah hi" I cough awkwardly and Gus laughs, muttering a real smooth under his breath "What's up?"

"So, I don't have time for small talk because I have stuff to do but I'm really not looking forward to the award show but I'm willing to cooperate because I don't want to get fired"

"You could at least act a little more excited" I roll my eyes.

"Well, I'm not good at acting. That's why I'm a model" She says, and I can imagine her rolling her eyes.

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