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A/N: This story is still a coming soon but I have writers block for other stories and this is the only thing I could think of writing on. Can Cindy Kimberly marry me😍😍😍

Self-centered (adj.) preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs.


"Austin was looking for you after he stopped performing" Vera tells me, sitting next to me on my bed and handing me a mug of coffee.

"That's too bad" I shrug "I'm honestly not interested"

"Why not? He has a beautiful face" She asks in surprise and I roll my eyes.

"I can't see past his ego so I wouldn't know" I shrug, and she scoffs. She picks up the remote and turns on the TV, turning on some talk show.

"This is about you" She says, and I see Austin's band on the screen.

"So, Austin, I saw that you were around Axel Tyler at your album release party, how was that?" The interviewer asks, and he shrugs.

"It was quite uneventful actually" He snorts and I crinkle my eyebrows "I feel like the funniest part is she called me arrogant in her recent interview but I learned last night that she's actually a liar. But nevertheless she's even more beautiful in person" He says and my jaw drops.

"He called me a liar!" I scoff.

"You did lie" Vera shrugs "And he called you beautiful" She adds.

"Gosh V, who's side are you on?"

"As of right now, the pretty boy" She shrugs "You're rude and I don't like it" She turns the TV off and walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her. I huff loudly and stand up, walking into my closet to get changed. Put on a floral pantsuit along with a pair of matching shoes, walking to my vanity to do my hair and make up.

Once I'm done I walk out of the room and to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water and walking out to my car. Driving down the road, my hand tightly holds the steering wheel, my knuckles turning into a pair white color. Parking in my friend Cara's driveway, I walk up to her front door and knock on it. She opens it shortly after and smiles at me, opening the door wider for me to answer.

"What's up Liar?" She giggles and I roll my eyes.

"God, he has some nerve you know?" I scoff and she giggles.

"Breakfast?" She suggests and I nod, watching as she runs up the steps to change. As I wait I open my Twitter seeing everyone is blowing up about Austin calling me a liar. Most are on my side, saying he's rude and needs to shut up, some are on his side saying how they don't even like me anyways and others are neutral saying neither of of should have called each other names.

@axeltyler: I didn't lie, I just had more important things to do @austin_theovernight.

I hit send on the tweet and have many replies within seconds. Cara comes running back down the steps and follows me out of her house, getting into the passenger seat of my car.

"I can't believe he called you a liar" She says as we drive down the street.

"Me neither, I was very kind to him last night"

"It's clear he's just butt hurt that you have better things to do" She rolls her eyes.

"Exactly! Vera doesn't understand that and is on his side" I scoff.

"Only because her and the drummer of his band have a thing going on" She says.

"Hmm, she never told me" I click my tongue, pulling into our favorite breakfast spot. I park my car, and we get out of my car and as we walk inside I push my sunglasses towards the top of my head.

We walk inside and get a table, Cara and I ordering memosas and omelets. We make small talk as we wait for our food and when it comes out we dig in.

"God, this is so good" I moan and Cara agrees.

"I missed this place so much"

"Me too" I nod.

"So, have you talked to Anya?" Cara asks, referring to my second manager and I shake my head "Well she's got gigs lined up and she said she was going to call you"

"When'd she say this?" I ask.

"Yesterday, she said she'd call you by the end of the week"

"Oh, I haven't talked to her. My other managers kind of being a dick right now" I roll my eyes.

"When isn't he a dick?"


"Hi, Art?" Anya says after I pick up the phone.

"Hi" I cheerfully say.

"Good afternoon, I was wondering if you were free this upcoming week"

"I should be" I nod.

"Good. Well can I fly you out to Malibu for some press and then an interview for a radio show and then a magazine shoot. Then I'll fly you over to LA for a late night talk show and then an award show?"

"That's a lot" I chuckle "But sure, I'll be alright with that" I grin.

"Cool, can you pack now? I want to get you into a flight tonight"

"I'll start right now" I smile "Just let me know when the jet is ready"

"Will do, I'll meet you at the airport"

"Alright, thank you" I hang up the phone. I grab my suitcase and carry it to my bed, unzipping it and pulling it open.

"Where are you going?" Vera asks, and I jump slightly.

"Jesus" I place my hand on my chest "You scared me" I sigh "I'm going to California for a week"

"Oh" She nods.

"Yeah" I shrug, walking back and forth between my closet and my bed throwing clothes into my suitcase. I grab shoes and put them in there as well then grab my necessities such as makeup and hair products, zipping my suitcase.

"What are you going to do out there?" Vera asks.

"Talk shows, photo shoots and an award show" I answer, putting my suitcase on the floor. I pick up my phone and see a text from my pilot telling me that he talked to Anya and the plane is ready for me "I'll see you soon" I say to Vera dragging my suitcase behind me.

I take a cab to the airport and carry my things up the steps, grabbing a seat. Cara walks in after a few minutes and I grin, hugging her tightly.

"You're here!"

"So is Chanel" She points to the door and Chanel walks in. I run up and hug her as well before getting back into my seat, opening twitter.

@AxelTyler: Malibu here me and my girls come!!!!😝💃🏽💃🏼💃🏾💋


I hope you enjoyed this
I love you all


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