9. Like the good old times

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(Y/n) P.o.V:

Rich and I sat down on the floor infront of the bed while Jake watched the movie from his bed. That asshole even turned down the lights to make it "realistic". I took a blanket from Jakes bed and cuddled myself in it. Rich next to me leaned in and whispered, "We could watch another movie, you don't have to do this."

"I know... but I'm not scared. Not at all.", I replied. He chuckled and whispered, "You've always been a terrible liar, Y/n." I let out a dry "Ha-Ha." The movie began and my heart began to beat twice as fast. Rich noticed and he took my hand. We interwhined our fingers and he lightly squeezed my hand to say, "I am here. Nothing's going to happen." 

I calmed down a bit but I still was scared. The movie was terrible and the most time I hid my face and burried it into Rich'shoulder. But it didn't bother him. 

Suddenly everything was silent. We were prepared for a jumpscare but instead something else scared us. A loud snore. We turned around and found a sleeping Jake. We chuckled a bit. Then we looked at each other and we both had this "Are-you-thinking-what-I-am-thinking-" look on our faces. 

"Permanent marker?", We both said and laughed. Rich and I always used to draw on each others face when one of us two fell asleep on a sleepover. We stood up and walked outside the room to find a marker. We walked into the big entrance hall and suddenly I realized, that all the lights in the house are turned of. 

I froze and thought about the movie. About the bloody scenes and the blood in my veins turned into ice. "R-Rich?", I stuttred, trying to get his attention. I noticed that he was gone. 

"Rich?", I asked again. No answer. 

"That's not funny... please..", I said and walked a bit. I turned on my phone and turned on the flashlight. I tried to find a light switch. There has to be a damn light switch anywhere?!

Then I heard a weird noice. It sounded like scratching... just like in the movie. "Rich stop it please...", I whimpered. Suddenly someone grabbed me around my hip and twirled me around. I screamed. "Rich you are such an asshole.", I said. He let me down and I looked at him with an angry face. 

"I just scared the shit out of you.", he laughed and wiped away some imaginary tears. "You did not.", I said. 

"Did.", he answered. 

"Did not."


"Did not."


"Did not.. Did not.. Did not.. Shut Up!", I laughed and covered my ears as I began singing, "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb..." He putted his hand on my mouth and shushed me. 

"You talk to much.", he said and we both chuckled. 

Yeah. "Still scared?", he asked. 

"Kinda...", I admitted and nodded. "Come on. I've got an idea.", he said and grabbed my hand. He lead me trough the big house into a little room. It's kind of a music room. A piano, a guitar and two violines are in it. "Are we even allowed to be here?", I asked. Rich shrugged and said, "I don't know. But I don't think Jake will kill us for it."

I laughed and sat on a chair, that's standing in the corner of the room. 

"You wanted to show me something?", I asked and raised an eyebrow. He smirked. "Do you remember when we were... like eleven years old? We stole a horror movie from your dad and then you couldn't sleep the whole night?", he asked.

I nodded. How could I forget that night. "Yeah.. what's up with that?", I asked still confused. 

"Didn't you remember how I used to play guitar and sing for you to calm you down ?", he asked. I remembered. He used to Play "I'm Your's" from Jason Mraz. Oh how I missed his voice. I totally forgot, that he can sing. He grabbed the guitar and started playing our favourite childhood-song...

"Well you done done me and you bet I felt it...", He began and I chuckled. His ocean eyes poked at me. He sang and played guitar like no time has passed.

"I've been spending way to much time checking-", he sang the wrong text. 

"Open up your mind and see like me!", I've corrected him. He smiled and we continued singing. He didn't hit all the tones but that's what made it so wonderful and funny. He made some weird and funny grimaces and I bursted out in laughter. I stuck out my tounge and we laughed and continued singing. He played the last chord and put away the guitar.  Then we looked into each others eyes. He leaned in and I could feel his breath against mine. 

Just a few inches were missing. We both leaned in and shortly before our lips touched...

"THERE YOU ARE! I'VE LOOKED FOR YOU LIKE EVERYWHERE!", Jake entered the room. He looks dozy. His hair stands up into all directions. "Damnit Jake!", Rich yelled and stood up. 

Jake laughed and said, "Ooops.. Did I interupt you again? I'm sooo sorry..."  

He ran out of the room and Rich chased him. I laughed a bit and I looked at the guitar..

Like the good old times...

STUPID LOVE (Rich Goranski x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang