Chapter 10: Curious

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We were all hungry because the last thing we ate was some fast food, so Harry decided to get some food. Zach offered to get it, but Harry felt bad for Zach driving everywhere. Zach directed Harry to a good Chinese restaurant a few miles away and Harry left. We told Harry to get something for Lila, even though we were unsure if she was willing to eat.

I went outside to the back porch to take in the fresh air. The sun was already completely set and then moonlight was lightly lighting a small lake behind their house. I heard the buzz of bugs but wasn't bothered by the sound of nature and life. I took in the scent of pine and grass, but started shivering when I realized how cold it was outside. I heard the backdoor open and turned around.

Zach walked out with a blanket and threw it over my shoulders. I bundled up and we both leaned against the wooden fence.

"Is she okay?" he asked me.

I nodded. "She will be. She still needs time."

"Did you mean it?" Zach questioned me.

I thought back at what we recently talked about. "Killing Hunter? What?"

"No! Jesus," Zach laughed, shaking his head. "You wouldn't date me?"

Oh. That. "Oh. That," I repeated my thoughts aloud.

"You don't have to say yes, by the way, but it is a serious question," Zach quietly said. He wasn't his usual, weird self. He seemed extremely reserved and hid his face from me.

"Zach," I sighed. "We're both so different now. You don't even know if you like me now. You just have an image of my younger self, which, god forbid, that you think you still know."

I saw him shrug and he leaned closer to the fence. "How about I get a dance if the wedding is still happening?"

"That would be nice," I smiled, blushing.

"Just to clear things up, you were really ugly as a kid, and I didn't like you for your looks," Zach said, smiling.

"Ok, I thought I looked good later on in high school. When did you even start liking me?"

He shrugged, showing how nervous he was. "Like, elementary school. I don't know, it's hard to remember."

"You don't have to answer my questions if you're uncomfortable."

He cocked his head to the side. "I'm fine with it. Better out than in is what my grandfather would say," he said in a weird Brooklyn accent.

"Fuck," I laughed, "I hate when you do that."

"You're laughing, though!"

I shrugged. "You're like cutesy funny- a little dorky, but cute."

"Thanks?" he questioned but giving an uncomfortable chuckle right after. "All I remember is that I started liking you after Lila first babysat you. I told my friends that I had a crush on you and they laughed because they thought you weren't that pretty, but I told them that you were actually really cool. They knew I liked you throughout middle school and high school, but I don't think they know I still like you. I was really mean to you, and I'm really sorry about that. My friends were really immature and wanted to mess with you in any way because they wanted to tease me. I kind of wanted to show that I didn't really care so I thought the best way was to be mean to you."

I leaned my head against his arm. "It's ok, I forgive you." I paused, thinking about his story. "So, you really liked me in middle school and high school too?"

He laughed, "Alright! Now this is too much." He walked back inside.

I giggled at how cute he was and watched him walk to the living room.

I cuddled into the blanket and smelled it. It smelled like moth balls but a little like Zach's cologne he was wearing. I was slowly falling for him. He seemed like he really changed from an asshole weirdo to a kind weirdo. I sighed and walked back inside too. Zach was texting on his phone on the couch.

"I told Hunter we knew what happened. He didn't know Lila knew about his college thing," Zach said, reading his messages to me.

"Forget about him. He'll be fine on his own," I scoffed, sitting next to Zach, leaning my head against his shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

Wedding Bell Rush - A.U. (H.S., Z.S.)Where stories live. Discover now