Chapter 3: The Diner

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When we go to the hotel, I felt extremely tired. I said goodbye to Lila, Hunter, and Zach and went to my room. I threw off my shoes and just took a nap for three hours. I woke up to a dry mouth, my mascara running down my face, and my stomach growling. I reached for my phone that was laying on the bed by my knee. I saw that Lila was asking if I wanted to go to dinner with her later that night. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. I stretched and replied that I would. I cleaned myself up a little bit and changed into different clothes. I decided that I would just wait in my hotel room until I had to go to dinner with Lila.

Lila replied back to be a few minutes later saying to meet her at a diner a block away from the hotel at 6 P.M. By 5:50, I started walking towards the diner.

No one except for an older couple was sitting in the diner. The waitress took me to a booth by a window, and I constantly checked the time. Lila was usually punctual, and it was already 6:30. I kept texting her, but I didn't get any replies.

I ordered for two waters and a plate of nachos because I felt starving. I didn't eat anything on the plane, so I dove into the plate when it arrived. It was past 6:50, and I started getting nervous. Maybe she was taking a nap? I started typing a message to Hunter but saw a notification from Lila.

"I'll be late. I'll be there."

I finished the nachos and felt full. My stomach started doing flips, and I wasn't sure if it was because of how fast I ate the nachos or because of Lila. At 7:20, she finally arrived. Her hair was soaking wet, her face was wiped of all makeup, and she was wearing a large sweatshirt and some leggings. She walked over to me, car keys in hand.

"Hey," I said, a little suspicious. I gave her a hug. She broke it off quickly and sat down. She gave me a small smile but wouldn't give me direct eye contact. "I was worried about you. Did you take a nap or something?"

She seemed distracted. She kept staring out the window. I followed her eyes and saw her car was parked there. "Sorry, yeah I was taking a nap," she replied. She took a sip of the water.

"Didn't want to walk here? I feel like driving to a place a block away would have been a thing I would do," I said, trying to lighten the mood. She gave me a pity chuckle, still looking out at the window. "Are you okay?" I reached over to her arm. She quickly dropped both arms. She looked directly in my eyes. Her eyes looked like they didn't belong to her. They seemed dead, like there was no hope in them. They didn't shine anymore.

"I have to go. Sorry for making you come all this way, but I need to go." She got up and walked to her car. I watched her quickly leave the parking lot, driving away from the hotel.

I called Hunter, but he wouldn't pick up his phone. I didn't want to call or text Lila because I knew she was driving, but I had to know if she was ok.

"What's wrong? Text or call me when you're not driving. I love you," I texted her.

A few seconds later, she replied. "I'm fine. I need to do something, but it'll be ok. I love you too."

I paid for the nachos and started walking back to the hotel. I was alone with my thoughts for that walk, and I couldn't stop thinking about Lila. Something obviously bothered her. Was the wedding stressing her out? Did something happen to her family? I didn't really trust her saying she was fine, but I didn't want to push anything. I should have followed her that night, but I didn't. I walked back to my room and got ready for bed at 8 P.M. My jet lag was kicking in, and I felt tired. I got under the covers and turned on the television. I switched to some channel and went on my phone. Lila didn't call or text after her last message, and I wasn't sure if she made it back okay.

I sent her some texts, but she didn't reply to any of them. I decided to send a text to Hunter. "Did Lila make it back to the hotel?" I sent.

Almostimmediately, he replied, "Yes."    

Wedding Bell Rush - A.U. (H.S., Z.S.)Where stories live. Discover now