Chapter 5: Journey Begins

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We drove back to the hotel because Harry needed to grab some of his things, too. I was sitting in the car in front of the hotel waiting for him to get back.

I remembered Lila's family had a cabin in Lake Tahoe, but I didn't really know where it was. There was no point in asking Lila because she would just assume I would be coming for her. I was googling some places in Lake Tahoe when I heard a knock on the window.

Zach was waving at the window. He gave me a smile. I turned on the car to roll the window down.

"Hey," I said, trying to not seem suspicious. I didn't want him to know his sister wasn't there.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" he asked.

"Oh, just running some errands," I shrugged.

Harry walked behind Zach and opened the backseat door, throwing a duffle bag in.

He gave me a small nod, watching Harry. "The bridesmaids were telling me that you left the breakfast, and they were pretty mad. Lila never showed, did you know that? I thought she was with you, but I guess she's with Hunter."

Harry slammed his hand on Zach's back, causing him to jump. "Your sister is in Tahoe, buddy."

Harry walked to the driver's seat and all I could do was facepalm.

"She's what? She's where? Why is she there?" Zach started to get worried and nervous. "Oh my god, I have to tell Mom and Da-"

"Get in the car, Zach," I scolded him, trying to get him to be quiet. Zach scurried into the backseat, and Harry started to drive off. "You can't tell anyone that she's gone, okay?" I told him, rolling up my window. He started buckling. "I don't want anyone to worry. You know how your parents get when you guys are in trouble.

Zach put his hands under his legs and started to take deep breaths. "You're right. God, why is she there?"

"I bet she has cold feet," Harry perked up.

I slapped his shoulder. "Don't say that. She's always sure about any decision she makes. She doesn't have cold feet."

"Maybe she does have cold feet," Zach repeated Harry.

I rolled my eyes. "She doesn't have cold feet!"

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Harry got on the freeway, and he turned to me. "Where are we even going?"

I turned around to Zach, finally finding a use for him. "Where's that cabin you guys went to all the time?"

Zach gave us the address, and Harry started making his way towards the place. When we saw that the drive was going to be seven and a half hours long, I started feeling uncomfortable knowing that I was in a car with a stranger.

"Shit," Zach exclaimed. I turned back, and Harry looked at his rear-view mirror to look at Zach. "I didn't bring anything- no clothes, no snacks." He put his head back and groaned.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to face the front. Harry shook his head and we both just started laughing.

"What?" Zach asked, lifting his head up. Harry and I couldn't stop laughing and just shook our heads.

"You're like a child," Harry finally laughed out.

Zach thought about what he just said and started laughing, too.

"You know, back in the day, you would have just started crying," I said.

"Well, I'm a grown boy now. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" he proudly said.

"Now you just sound like an old man. Who says that anymore?" Harry shook his head even more.

"I can't win, can I?" Zach sighed out.

"Nope,"Harry and I both said.    

Wedding Bell Rush - A.U. (H.S., Z.S.)Where stories live. Discover now