I don't know how close I was to him, but once he lifted his head up my lips collided into hi—his.

I noticed I hadn't pulled away yet and he hasn't either. My first time ever kissing a boy just to tell ya. And I love it. He pulled away as I sighed looking away.

"I'm sorry," I said getting up. "I'll see yhu inside."

I went back through the window and went back to the kitchen. What exactly fuck.

That was awkward as fuck. I'm not even gonna lie. Why did that little spider have to do me like that.

"Huhhh," I sighed looking to my side and finding her phone. I took it and got in.

It had no password. I know I shouldn't be going through her things but I decided to go onto her photos. She barely has any. Well I see at about 10 pictures of me. Sleeping. Wow. I'm not even gonna delete.

I existed photos and my finger slipped onto message. Wow ok. Trace was on top so I clicked on it. Slowly scrolling up , I stopped.

Once I read.

Trace love, I'm afraid to be catching feelings.

Bestfriend Trace😍:
😱 your catching feelings for TayK.

Royalty :
yeah girl but there's no way he would feel the same way

There's no way this is happening. Royalty can't be catching feelings. I slid back into the window and she was not in her room. I placed her phone on the bed and walked out.

It's just bad that she doesn't understand that I don't do feelings. I checked the lights were closed and put the food away. She wasn't in the kitchen either.

I grabbed my blankets and pillows and walked into Danny's room, he was on the phone and looked at me crazy

"Waddup bro," He said as I made my bed.

"I'm sleeping here," I said

"Wah happened to yo' room?" He said. "Did y'all get in'ta an argument?"

"Nah. I'm jus' sleepin' here," I said laying down as he said goodbye to maybe Kennedy, and closed the lamp as we kept quiet.

"Danny?" I broke the silence. "I need yo' help."

"Wit' wah?" He said

"Bands," I said.

"How much?" He asked.

"600K.," I said as he gasped

"Nigga, do I look rich." He said once I sighed. "We came here together, yhu kno' I'm broke."

"Dan man."

"Wat's it fo' anyways?" He questioned

"I need ta' pay Taylor," I said.

"Pay Taylor?" He added a lil confusion.

"yeahh," I said before I sighed. "It's ah long story man."

"Short," He said before I sighed again. "Wadup?"

  "I made ah deal," I said.

"Ah deal?"

"Uh huh," I agreed.

"Wah deal?" He questioned.

"Ah deal, ta' keep ourselves and Royalty out of shit wit' dat gang."

"Watchyhu mean man?" He questioned.

"I made ah deal ta' keep dem away from us." I said. "Dats wah ah mean man."

"When yhu speak like dat, yhu sound like ah bitch."

"Well ma bad man." I said. "Lemme be da bitch, I'm doin' dis fo' ah good purpose."

"And lemme guess, dis good purpose is Royalty," He said.

"Well yeah man," I groaned after he said her name.

"Well I'll try ma possibly best," He said.

"I'll be gon' tomorrow mornin' ta' check on ah job," I said

"Do yhu," He said as I sighed and looked into the air. Although it was just pure black.

"Hey man," He said. "Why ain't yhu restin' wit yo' girl ta'night?"

"She ain't ma girl." I replied.

"Shit," He said. "Word?"

"Word," I said.

"Y'all argued or sum?"

"Nah," I said. "Long story."


"Aghh." I groaned. "Goodnight man." I said before I shut my eyes.
Why you mad fo'!

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