Chapter 1

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The Woods

"Stiles!" A short pale girl shouts into the decent-sized house fixing the beanie that sat on her head.

"Yes ma'am! One Stiles at your service!" He shouts back, rushing down the stairs over to the front door.

"What happened?" She asks confused used to hearing him in the background when she appeared at his house like this.

"My dad was rushed back out to the station because apparently, they found a body in the woods!" He exclaims as he undoes the chain that was stopping the small girl from entering the house.

"So that's why you called me to rush over here the night before the first day of our sophomore year?" She asks him blankly unamused by the whole thing.

"Kind of but get this, they only found half of the body!?" He basically shouts out of excitement grabbing his backpack of god knows what.

"Which half?!" She asks now as interested in the whole thing as he is.

"No idea that's why we're gonna go find out," he says as they exit the house heading to his light blue Jeep, which had taken them out on many similar adventures.

"Oh fuck yea!" She says following him to the Jeep. He unlocks and opens the passenger-side door letting her get in before heading to the driver's side. "We gonna go get McCall?" She asks realizing the other boy she grew up with wasn't with them.

"Well duh! The three musketeers are incomplete with just the two of us," he laughs pulling out of his driveway and heading over to the other boy's house.


Stiles raced out of the jeep after parking it rushing over to the seemingly empty house where the last person of their trio resides.

"I guess I'll just wait in the car," Anne tells herself watching Stiles make his way to the house.

"Oh my god! Stiles?" Anne hears Scott yells holding a bat, seeing their friend jump off the roof above him.

"You weren't answering your phone," Stiles stated bluntly as they start making their back to the jeep coming back into Anne's earshot.

The two made their way to the jeep, Anne crawled into the backseat as the two got in and continued their conversation.

"Ok, so what's happening?" Scott turns to the other two as they pile into his room.

"Ok so, I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon department and even State Police," Stiles spills to his best friend.

"Ok? For what?" Scott asks the two other teens.

"They found a body in the woods," Anne responded popping her head in between the two from the backseat.

"A dead body?" He asks concern written all over his face.

"No, a body of water. Yes dumbass, a dead body," Stiles says rolling his eyes at the boy's stupidity.

"You mean like murdered?" Scott asks.

"No one knows yet," Stiles answers him honestly.

"Just that some joggers found her," Anne finishes Stiles thought.

"Ok hold on. If they found the body, what are they looking for now?" Scott says turning to the two as the jeep began to move away from his house.

"Oh that's the best part," Anne says a smile creeping onto her face.

"They only found half," Stiles says the same smile growing on his face as Scott looks between his best friends worried.


The Jeep comes to a harsh stop as the teens pile out of it.

"Ok, let's go," Stiles rushes the two.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott asks the other boy as they walk through the forest.

"You're the one always bitching about how nothing ever happens here," Anne rolls her eyes at the boy.

"Besides it's our last night of summer freedom," Stiles says leading the small group.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott complains following the other two.

"Right, because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles laughs as they continue to move.

"It really can be Stiles, having to hold in that urge to scream at all the bullshit that happens on that field sometimes just can take a lot of effort," Anne remarked.

"Yes, because you sit so pretty and quiet during practices, you're like a mini coach with all the shit you say," Stiles laughs turning back to Scott.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm going to make first line." Scott tells his friends determine.

"That's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream," Stiles says patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Even a pathetically unrealistic one," Anne says giving the boy a small smile he could barely see.

"Out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asks the two trying to change the subject.

"No idea," Stiles says disregarding the thought.

"And what if whoever killed the girl is still out here?" Scott asks looking at the two hopeful.

"Now that's something I didn't think about," Stiles admits looking back at the other two.

"Comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," Scott says worried yet unsurprised by his friend's plan.

"Well I'm not surprised and if we get brutally murdered look at the bright side, we've all at least had our first kiss and we never have to go to school again, and obviously the best part is endless sleep," Anne says trying to cheer the boys up. Stiles starts rushing ahead Anne right behind him as Scott stops catching his breath.

"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight," Scott says trying to catch up to the two. Stiles slows dropping the three to the ground as they all observe the yellow police tape covered with flood lights.

"Did they find the body?" Anne asks confused.

"No, they would have called off the search," Stiles answers as he gets up to continue to move holding Anne's hand to keep the small teen from getting lost or wandering off from the boys as it had happened in the past.

"Guys wait up!" Scott called after the two as Anne turns towards where she had heard Scott she gets pulled by Stiles as the noise of dogs barking started feet from them.

"Hey, you two stop!" An officer yells to the two as Scott ducked behind a tree a couple of feet away as to not wanting to get caught out there.

"Hold on, these two are mine," the sheriff's voice is heard.



Word count 1,089

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