I hung up the phone and looked up to see Tristan standing in the doorway. "You are terrible at apologies," he said. I snorted and shook my head at him. "But I believe he will accept your apology."

"Yeah but..."

"I understand he said he would lose feelings for you, but you're becoming one of the most important person in his life right now after his ex girlfriend. He needs you." I nodded my head and he turned away. "Now come on. We need to get you home before Anthony leaves for work."

We walked out of the room and I walked out the door while he locked everything up. I walked towards his car and kept thinking of stuff to say to Anthony when I got home, but I honestly didn't know where to even start. Do I tell him how I started having feelings for Shayne or do I keep it short and just say how I've been unhappy and doing that was wrong and I wouldn't do it again?

Or do I just end it right on the spot?

Tristan unlocked his car and we got into it. I couldn't even put a seatbelt on for how stressed I was, but Tristan didn't live that far from us. I remember how pissed Anthony was when we got the house together and how close it was to Tristan's house. He really didn't like Tristan, but Tristan didn't like Anthony either so it worked out.

"Do you know what you're gonna say?" Tristan asked me.

"Not really," I admitted. "I guess I'm gonna see if he is mature enough to sit down and talk about our relationship. We can't just keep doing this if nothing is going to change."

"That's as much as you can do," Tristan stated. "And if you still need a place to stay, my door is always open." I smiled and nodded at Tristan. "But if a girl ever comes over, you gotta get out." I chuckled and Tristan started laughing. "There, you needed that laugh before you go in."

Tristan pulled up into my driveway and parked the car. "Is it bad that I feel sick?" I asked him.

"No," he replied. "It would be bad if you didn't." I nodded and opened the door, but Tristan put his hand on my arm. At least he didn't grab it like Shayne and Anthony do. "Good luck, Ronnie."

"I'm gonna need it," I joked. He smiled and removed his hand from my arm. I got out of the car and he pulled out of the driveway. I walked up to the door and groaned. "Fuck, I don't have my keys." I jumped off the steps and went to the little (fake) rock that had our spare key. I put the rock back on the ground and went back up the steps to unlock the door.

I opened the door and walked into my house. It feels weird coming in here after not being here last night. I was always home at night, but coming in around eight in the morning was weird to me. It wasn't something I was going to be comfortable with if Anthony and I keep arguing. I sat the key down on the coffee table and started walking my way down the hall to my room.

When I was walking, I could hear the shower running from our bathroom. I walked into my room and glanced towards the bathroom where the door was shut and locked. I don't know why he locked the bathroom when he was the only here and it's not like I've never seen him naked.

I started changing out of my clothes and throwing them into the hamper. I wasn't trying to dress all cute since I wasn't going anywhere today so I picked up an black (had a few holes but looked very vintage) shirt, grabbed my black pants, and a pair of vans from the closet. It wasn't everyday I dressed like this, but I had nothing to do today besides apologizing to my boyfriend.

But something started to feel wrong. A feeling as if something is happening and I didn't know what it was. It wasn't déjà vu; it was something weirder. When I put my shirt on, I heard a phone go off. I grabbed my off the dresser to check it, but it wasn't my phone. I looked over to Anthony's phone that was sitting on his nightstand.

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