One Final Day

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I woke up Tuesday morning with a different thought on the day. Something great was going to happen today, and although Payton and I hadn't talked since Sunday I knew she would be okay. I had slept ten minutes past my alarm, so my hair was a little rushed. Thankfully my hair was going into a simple half up, half down with the curls that I had done yesterday. Finishing up my makeup, my alarm went off telling me I needed to put on my shoes and be ready to go. I scooped up my phone along with my bag, as I walked to the door. I checked my phone when we were in the car, and I noticed I had seven different people telling me that I needed to go in when the first bell rang, and go to the locker room. I didn't have track today so I had no reason to do so, but I figured I mine as well.

I still sat in the car for a bit before going inside. My group wasn't there, but Bree was and she walked with me as I went to the locker room. I noticed that my locker was decorated, and when I turned to Bree she was videoing it, and motioned for me to open it. I was scared, but gently I opened my locker. Inside was chocolate roses mixed with real roses, and daisies which were my favorite flowers. I picked them up, and closed my locker. Bree had stopped recording, and I asked her if I could go to my first period. With a smile on her face, she told me yes.

I went a shorter way to my class. Through the art hallway, and then cut into the math wing. Carrying my flowers into the room, I saw once again that I had a coffee on my desk. Instead of a doughnut, I had a chocolate chip muffin. Still no one said anything about it, but two of my friends got a picture with me, my flowers, and my food.

My walk to second was normal, and I didn't get any more random text from people telling me to go somewhere. When I arrived in third period, there was a little stuffed turtle on my table, and my teacher looked annoyed by it. I picked up the turtle and saw a note, "Aren't you swimming with excitement?" Well, now with anticipation I wanted to figure all of this out. Payton was still worrying me, and no one "knew" what all this stuff for.

Cutting through the Spanish room, I went to History and met with Allie before entering the classroom. She had a smug look on her face, but she wouldn't tell me a thing. Emma came in right before the bell. She looked rushed.

"Are either of you going to tell me what's going on?" I questioned.

"Nothing." They both replied.

Neither one said anything to me the whole class, but they had a hushed conversation on and off while we were taking notes. I was picking up all my gifts, and getting ready to walk with Allie as Emma asked if I wanted her to hold my stuff. I told her that I was okay, but Allie told me that I might want to hand it to her. Cautiously I handed my stuff over to Emma, and reached out my hand for Allie's. We started to walk to the band room, but instead of going straight we turned right to walk over the blue carpet. I knew we could still go to the band room that way, so it didn't matter. We turned left to walk to the band hallway, but then I noticed balloons attached to some of the lockers. I didn't think much about it because the Valentine's Day dance was coming up soon, so what's the big deal. Someone was probably going to ask another to the dance. Then I realized that Allie and I were the only ones walking down the hallway. Emma had disappeared.

Allie stopped outside of a door. It wasn't the band room, and I figured it out really quickly where we were. I had been in this room only once before, the first day of school; it was my "homeroom."

"Allie, what are we doing? You're going to be late to band."

"I assure you, it's okay. Give me your bag, and open the door."

I wanted to see what was behind the door, but I was also scared. I heard the laughter and chatter from the cafeteria, but there was no one in the hallways which surprised me.

"Hope, open up the door. You're going to love it!"

I gently pushed open the door, and I noticed the words written on the board before anything else.

"I have hurt you, I realize that. You make me happy, and I can't wait to learn more about you. I've gotten help from people that have known you longer to get everything that you like/love. Everything has gone as planned, and there's just one more thing to say." The words ended there and I spun around to look around the room. There was no other boards to have words written on, and then from behind a filing cabinet Payton stepped out holding a sign. My smile grew as I read the words, "The way I feel for you cannot be covered in darkness any longer. Being alone with you is not enough. I want you all the time. Will you be mine?"

I finished reading and looked at her. "You sure you want to do this? After coming out there's no going back."

Stepping forward, "Hope, I'm sure. I've been sure since I laid eyes on you."

She had reached me now, and reached out for me, and I neither said a single word. Just met her lips with mine, and I'm sure she figured out the answer. I heard "awes" from behind me, and when Payton and I finished kissing I looked back. A small group mixed with our friends was standing behind us.

I gave Payton one last peck and told her to get to class since she was already late. She left, and when I left the room with Emma gave me all my stuff back. I headed up to lunch, and I couldn't be happier. My first real girlfriend with one of my favorite people. I was looking forward to sixth and seventh period even more now.

Everyone at lunch and my fifth period was happy for me, and after sixth period, Payton and I walked together. Our hands came together, and I rested my head on her shoulder while we walked. She sat over with me for the first time since September, and I was the happiest little bean. Only a few short months ago I had wished for the day that I would finally get to call her mine, and now I finally could. The bell rang for the end of the day; we both stood up and gathered our stuff. Our hands intertwined together as we walked out of the room.

A kiss was now added to our normal hug that was given at the end of the day, and I realized this was all something new that I would have to get used to.

I have a girlfriend! She's all mine! I ca kiss her whenever I want.


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