Her House (part one)

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The car was silent with voices, but filled with music as we pulled into Payton's driveway. They lived on a street, nice and quiet. Her house was one that you would think would be small inside since it was on the outside, but after entering inside I was amazed. Since it was late her grandma headed off to her room, and told us that we should go get some sleep. Payton's room was off to the left of the living room and behind the kitchen. It was a sweet little room that after looking around; I knew I wouldn't want to leave. Being the neat person that I was, I headed over to her bed which was only a few steps away and started to take off my shoes. I tucked the laces into the souls and got up to place them beside my bag. Paytonlaughed and shook her head at me.

"You may do that at your house, but here we aren't neat." While stating this she reached for my shoes and let them drop so they weren't nicely placed together. I really wanted to go over and fix them, but I left them be and moved farther into the middle of her bed. "It's late, we should probably change. I'll be back." She headed out of the room after grabbing some sweats and a shirt from the basket on the floor.

I laid back in her bed finally noticing the things around her room. Payton  was definitely more boyish than I was. While my room had ferry lights, blankets, and decorative pillows she had a WVU poster, an unclean floor, and video games.

It didn't take long for her to come back into the room, so I got up and grabbed my clothes from my bag to head to the bathroom. It was passed one and I could feel my tiredness setting in. Would we go to sleep? Talk about what happened? Forget what we did? Talk? I entered into the room to see that Payton had turned on the TV, and was about to ask me what we wanted to watch we her grandma yelled at us to go to bed. It didn't happen however; we just hushed our voices because even though you could tell we were both tired we didn't want to sleep. It's always nice to be up when nothing else is because then you can be what you want to be with no judgment.

I crawled over Payton to the corner of her bed while she scrolled through Netflix. After settling on Finding Dory we started talking and Payton reached for my phone which I gave to her. I didn't have anything to hide, and everything on it was kind of boring. We had moved closer together and my head was above hers on the pillow while she read one of the stories I had written in my notes. I had forgotten it was in there, but I didn't mind her reading it because it was about my life and she would learn about it eventually. When she got to the part about my uncle's death, her left hand reached up for one of mine and I let her have it. Our fingers came together automatically, and I laid back watching the movie while she read. I think I fell asleep though because when I opened my eyes Payton was looking at me, smiling.

"Let's go to bed."

I nodded, and rolled away as Paytongot up to turn off the lights. I had rolled over to face the wall, but when Rose got into the bed, and restarted the movie so it would play while we slept, she moved her arm to rest over my side. As her fingers met my stomach I slide backwards into her. Her head snuggled into my shoulder and I smiled as my eyes fluttered into darkness.

I don't remember how it happened exactly just that one moment I had my classes on my face, then I felt them being lifted off my face. Payton's arm was no longer over my body so I rolled over so my body was facing her. She had placed our glasses on her desk, and when she got comfortable again; she pulled me into her. I was so warm and felted loved. Both her arms were wrapped around me, and sine I was almost on my stomach I moved my hand really slowly over her stomach to wrap around her. It was the perfect way to sleep, and when I tilted my eyes upwards hers were already closed. The blue ocean from the screen washed over her face and I just wanted to move so my lips could touch her cheek and kiss her, but I held myself back. Instead, I snuggled closer into her, and went to sleep with my cheeks hurting from the smile that was on my face.

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