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Laura's POV

I walked down the stairs of my home and grabbed an apple. First day at a new school, so this has to be a god day. At my old school I was somewhat popular, not hated but not popular, right in the middle. I had my hair curled losely with pink skinny jeans and a floral tank with my classic black and white converse.

"Bye Momma!" I yelled into the house. "Bye Laura! Love you!" she called back. I smiled and replied before walking out the door.

I grabbed my longboard and started on my way to school.


I arrived at the school and let me tell you it was uncomfortable. Boys were whistling at me all the time. I've never experienced this before. I smiled and walked up to the office.

"Hi! I need a schedule. It's my first day," I told the woman sitting there. "Sure thing sweetie. Here," she says handing me a schedule. "Thanks," I smile at her and find my locker. I walk up to it and unlock it and throw my longboard inside.

All of the sudden I hear screams.

I turn my head to look and see a blone headed boy walking down the hallway with girls flaunting all over him. I rolled my eyes. He's one of those kids.

Sadly he walked up to the locker next to mine. I kept my  face hid. I hate popular kids, they're stuck up. I shut my locker to see Ross standing there smirking at me.

"Sup hot stuff?" he asked me. I glared at him.

"Sup stupid," I taunted back. He frowned at me.

"Excuse me?" he asked. Hah, he's funny.

"I'm not falling for your dumb tricks so you can shut the hell up and stop flirting with me," I told him.

He wide eyed me. He probaly gets all the girls, so he wasn't expecting that.

"Woah, did you just insult the Ross Lynch," some girl from behind me said. Without looking at her I replied.

"Yep, and he can live with it," I said turning and walking out.


Ross's POV

What the hell? Did I just get insulted? Normally I'd start hating the person, but why give up on someone so beautiful? Wait, did I just say beautiful? I never say that. Sure maybe hot, or sexy, but beautiful is a genuine word, and I don't use genuine words.

"Dude, she's pretty good looking," my friend Ryan said. I looked at him.

"I know right, and she rode her longboard to school," I told him.

"Hot," he said and I nodded my head in agreement.

I'll keep flirting with her. I'll keep using cheesy pickup lines, I'll even try a friendship.

But in the end she will fall in love with me, I gurantee you.


A/N- First chapter of a new story! It was sad finishing I Won't Give up on Us, and if you haven't read it, you should! Anyways here is the new story. Keep voting and commenting! It means the world!

Let's cut to the chase, Ross your tricks ain't gonna work on her ;)


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