Get along

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"(Y/N) can you... will you stop ignoring me!" Esme sighed when you didn't reply.

"Why I'm not going to do it anyway." You replied and continued to ignore her.

"Do you want me to tell your father that you're not helping?" She sighed with her hands on her hips.

"Do what you like, i'm not fussed." You retorted and found out your shoes before leaving the house.

She followed you out to the drive which is where Polly and Michael found the two of you arguing. In the end you yielded and did what Esme wanted but only because your great aunt followed you inside and didn't move until you'd finished.

"I don't like her, why's that so hard for her to get?" You sighed and Polly rolled her eyes.

"I would have thought by now you'd be used to her?" She took a drag from her cigarette as you shrugged and went to find fine and Isaiah to see what they were up to.


"Where's (Y/N)?" John asked when he couldn't find you anywhere.

"Your daughter left this morning despite having chores and hasn't come back jet." Esme snapped and slammed a pile of books down when you swaggered into the room wearing Finn's cap. "You're still not..."

"Don't care." You sang as you skipped into your room and grabbed your coat before walking out to leave again.

"John!" Esme snapped and you're turned to look at your father.

"At least help a little." He asked you but you shook your head.

"I can't Michael bet me Isaiah could beat Finn in a fight." You told him and he laughed.

"Isaiah could beat Finn." He muttered but you shook your head in defense of your uncle.

"You're not going to tell her off, she doesn't listen to me." Esme sighed and you made a noise of irritation as you left.

"Because you're not my mother." You called out and left the two awkwardly stood in the living room.

John Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now