The Fight

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"Really?" You sighed and crossed your arms as you looked over at John, having argued all afternoon. "I'm done."

"(Y/N)!" He called but you ignored him, grabbing at the small bag you'd packed just to scare him.

"I'm leaving." You snapped, slamming the door as hard as you could, storming to the train station so you could hide out with Ada.

"Damnit!" he yelled and swooped his hands across the table in front of him, the mess cracking under his feet as he hurried to the drive. "(Y/N)!"

"John what're you yelling about?" Arthur asked as he joined his brother outside, watching a car vanish around the corner.

"We had another fight and she's gone." John snapped as he ran his hands through his hair and paced the drive.

"She's gonna come back, she always does." Arthur sighed, knowing that Polly had overheard the two of you arguing and was already waiting for you at the train station.

"Polly, I should have known." You sighed as she met you at the gates of the station.

"You argued again." She said although you weren't sure if it was a question or a statement.

"Yeah... I don't even remember what started the whole thing." You muttered as you handed her your bag, knowing you didn't want to run away but just to vent to someone.

"The boy is stubborn but if you tell him straight he'll agree you." She smiled when you shook your head and let her lead you to a car.

"We're going the wrong way." You pointed out and she tutted.

"He can wait, we'll have a nice lunch and he can scare himself into a better mood and perhaps he'll appreciate you more." Polly winked when you giggled, knowing she'd wait until just the right moment to have John practically crawling on his knees for you.

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