Anger (Smut)

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John had a smug look on his when he got home. You'd already listened to Poll rant about how he'd risked everything to get a better deal just to prove to Tommy that he could and you were furious.

"How could you be so careless?" You asked almost as soon as he set foot in the kitchen.

"I don't want to hear it from you as well." John sighed, foolishly thinking that you'd be the one person to be proud of him for getting twice the money Tommy thought he could.

"These men kill people John, sometimes for no reason!" you gasped hoping he'd see why you were so worried but he didn't.

You started arguing and it lasted all night, he slept on the sofa while you took the bed, wake when he came in to get dressed but he didn't say a word. Over breakfast the two of you exchanged limited words and when you attempted to bring up the argument but before you could apologise he flipped, throwing things across the room and leaving you stood terrified in the corner.

"I'm going." You said once he'd stopped and you hurried from the house.

When you finally came back home you found John had gone out but not before attempting to clean up the mess he'd made. You finished his attempt and sat at the kitchen table, a book lent against the table as you slowly read through it.

"(Y/N)?" John called out and hurried to kneel in front of you and tug you into a hug, not giving you a chance to move into him. "Do you know how worried I was?"

"I was only gone a few hours." You giggled and he shook his head, pulling you off the chair and wrapping your legs around his waist.

"Tommy had me convinced I'd got you kidnapped." John admitted and you kissed him softly.

He deepened the kiss and sat you on the edge of the kitchen table, hands tugging and loosening your dress, the warmth of his hands seeping through the thin petty coat underneath. He threw his hat to the other end of the table before sliding his hands up your legs, undoing the little clips he found so as to get your flesh quicker.

"I was so worried when I couldn't find you." He admitted as he placed sloppy kisses along your neck and fumbled with his trousers.

He gripped the back of your neck and your body arched against him, the feeling of being filled drawing throaty moans from you as he started a slow pace. He pushed your legs up as he increased his speed, the action causing a high moan to escape him, quickly followed by several grunts.

"God... John!" You moaned and he smiled, looking up at you as you came undone, taking in the sight as if he'd proudly accomplished a difficult task.

"I love you (Y/N) ... I'm sorry about earlier." He mumbled as you let him pull you off the table and carry you into your bedroom.

"John where are we going, you have to go and talk with the others?" You giggled as he pulled a face.

"I'm not done with you yet sweetheart." John teased and kicked the door shut behind you.

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