The End

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You and Sans searched the surface for hours, looking everywhere Chara could have been. Your dynamic duo looked high and low before walking up the foot hills of Mt. Ebbot. The two of you stepped inside the cave that led to the underground, as walls popped up around you. They glowed red, and burned to touch them. Error yelled out in anger, shooting a string at the walls to break them down. You used a giant brush to try making an exit. When nothing worked the both of you slumped down in the middle of the box. "What do we do...?" you groaned in annoyance

"You get to stay right where you are" a menacing voice said from the shadows. Glowing red eyes appeared as Chara stepped out of the back of the cave, holding a knife in one hand, and a small yellow flower in the other. Blue's skull was still upon her head.

"Chara!" you screamed, hitting the walls with your brush. "Let us out!" Chara giggles. "Why would I do that?" she taunted, holding the knife out in front of herself. "It's much easier to attack this way!" The knife shot out a red laser at you. The shot passed through the box's walls, grazing the side of your arm. "Gah!" you yelled, grabbing the wound and dropping to the ground. Blood poured out, as smoke rose out of the burning cut. Error shot of the ground. "This isn't a fair fight! Have some mercy!" the skeleton shouted.

You stood up next to him. Your purple heart popped out of your chest. Chara's eyes widened in surprise. "But... I thought you lost your soul!" they yelled angrily. "I won't be beaten again!" they screamed as the walls turned purple and dropped to the ground. "Thats where you're wrong Chara." you huffed, turning into a reapertale angel. "I will persevere to save those I love." You shot a bolt of purple and gold light at Chara, causing them to drop Flowey and Blue's skull.

The flower instantly rooted back into the ground, and the skull rolled to your feet. You lifted it up, and using your angel powers, brought it back to life. The skull glowed, and a body formed underneath it. San's blinked and looked around.

"W-where am I?" he asked looking around a rubbing his head. "No time to explain." You said, turning into an underfell version with a knife. "We need to get out of here." she told the Sans'.

"No! You won't get away!" Chara yelled as they pushed themselves off the floor. "I'm sorry Chara." you said pulling out your soul. "Flowey c'mon!" you pulled up the flower, and opened a portal with your error form. Pulling Blueberry in along with Flowey. Error hopped in last, closing the portal before Chara could get in.

The four of you sat together in the anti-void. "We got away." you said with relief. "And now we can all be together! A happy family of those taken away from our real dimensions and timelines." Error smiled, and Blueberry gave you a hug. "I missed you (Y/N) he grinned." Flowey planted himself in a pot created by Error, and you all sat down to tell stories of your adventures.

A/N: It's done. No more. I hate this book so much but I couldn't just leave it unfinished. If anyone is still reading it here you go. I won't ever touch this book again.

Error!Sans x Reader {[(Under Editing)]}Where stories live. Discover now