Chapter 4

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You pull the bag of food over to where you were sitting. Opening it, you find a cup of fries inside. "Hey, Sans." "Yes (Y/N)?" "Do you want some food? These look at least not poisoned." "Nah. I don't like the grease." He tells you.  "Oh, okay." You eat the food slowly, looking for any sign of substances that could harm you if consumed. Once you were finished, you turned to Sans and asked, "What do you do around here anyway?" "I knit." "And...?" "Well, there is really nothing else to do here anyways." "Okay, so I'll just talk to you." "Hey, I was going crazy, before you came along." "Oh, Error is never really here then?" "No, he rarely leaves. He must have found a ton of timelines to destroy." 

"Now about that, why?" "Why what?" "Why does he destroy timelines and universes?" "He thinks only the first universe, Undertale should exist." "Okay, why?" "You ask a lot of questions, you know." "Well I did just get abducted from my own home, to be some puppet slave to a crazed universe destroying DEMON! Plus, you ramble." "I guess we both have issues." "Let's not let that get in the way. I'm sorry." "Me too." You pull Sans into a hug. He smiles and says. "Hey, we should create nicknames for each other!" "Ummm okay, I'll call you... Blueberry?" "Sounds great! I'll call you Snowy!" "Why Snowy?" "Because, I miss the snow from my hometown." You smile at Blueberry, and tell him "Snowy is great. Thanks Blueberry." You give each other a hug and, Error came back to the voi- (grrrrr)

Error came back to the anti-void. (Are you happy now?) "What are you two doing?" Error asks. "We are being cute friends." you tell Error. "Why, are you JEALOUS?" "Me, jealous of my property? Ha! Now, #11, I need you." You look up, as Blueberry, as he walks through a portal with Error. You give him a smile and, the portal closes.

Error!Sans x Reader {[(Under Editing)]}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt