Chapter 13

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^^Picture above is a image of Aiden Desanto. ^^

-Aiden P.O.V-

"So, my little angel, how was your weekends" I ask Aleydi, jumping in the driver seat.

It was Sunday night, and I was picking up Aleydi from the Sunrise pack house. I met her inside to see her laughing with the rest of her pack in the living room. She seem to forgot about me and that kinda made me sad. Once she spotted me, she came running towards me and jump to hug me. She introduce me to the pack and they seem so kind and said Hello. It was a good thing Alpha Perez wasn't there because I didn't want to fight with him.

"Great babe, at first horrible because I was away from you and I hated my father and best friend, but later I just kinda realize something big." She struggle with her seatbelt but she got it.

"What did you realize?"

"That the only reason I freak out on Monday was because my dad was threaten to take me away from my love one and I can't lose another one." she look down and fiddle with her hand.

"Who else did you lose?" I was concern with who else she lose.

"Well, my mother"

"Oh." Aleydi is my mate but I know nothing about her family or her past.

"Yup, my father told me at 2 years old that my mother was murder by a rogue attack and her body was never found." I look at her and see tears falling down her cheek.

"Oh, I'm sorry about asking" now I feel bad about asking.

"It's ok. You didn't know like how I didn't know about your parent" she sniff and wiped her tears away with her sleeves.

"How did you found out about-" I was interrupted by her.

"Anahi told me. She was giving me the tour around the house and when at your parents room, she broke down and told me."

"Oh" I am shock that Anahi still care for them.

"How did they die?" I turn to her and she was looking at me .

"Well, my father and mother went to a meeting with some of the other pack Alpha and Luna about 4 years ago. I was in charge of the pack for the mean time they were gone since I had to learn how to be Alpha. That night, me and Anahi were sleeping together in my room till Beta Hank came in and gave me the bad news. I was shock when he told me my parent were in a car accent and push off the road into a river. They pulled the car out the river quickly as they could but it was too late. I cried for weeks, disappointed in how I never got to say goodbye." then I felt tears coming down and I couldn't hold it back. "At the fu-funeral, I cried so much to see my parent bo-body being lower down. I tu-turn to see Anahi and she had a bl-blank expression. I got so mad at her f-for not crying, I ran out the ceremony and into t-the house. I punch the ki-kitchen wall and made a big ho-hole. How could she not cry a-at our parents funeral ? " I slutter and cried.

"Oh babe, please don't cry." Aleydi pulls me in her arms and hugs me.

"I was ma-mad at her for months f-for her not crying."

"Shhh... she must have been young, maybe she didn't know how to deal with what happen."

"We were bo-both young, I didn't know h-how to raise my sister and the p-pack at 13. But Beta Hank was ready to re-retire so I had to take ch-charge." I keep sluttering and crying.

"It's ok, you did great with Anahi. She have a perfect life with her mate and she have a roof over her head because of you. And with how the pack is, you did awesome as a Alpha. And at a young age, you did great." She rub my back and trying to calm me down.

Alpha little girlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon