Meeting Lyrica...Continued

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After blacking out, the scientist cleaned up the bloody mess and bandaged her up. A couple days past and Lyrica finally awoken again, but still feeling exhausted and weak. She began screaming for help, having hope that someone would save her. Lucky for her, River and Ace were out on a stroll in the street, passing by the scientist's building. River stopped right in front of the building. She didn't hear the cries or screams for help but River did sensed distress of a poor soul in the building and River gave no second thought to it as she walked up to the building, knocking on it. Ace followed behind curiously.
"What's going on, River?"
River handed Ace her top hat and cane as she cracked her knuckles.
"Something is wrong here. I feel it in my gut. Someone needs our help. Be prepared for whatever is about to happen."
The door opened and the scientist greeted the two.
"Good morn-"
He was rudely interrupted by a forceful punch received by River, which sent the tall man tumbling to the floor. The scientist covered his bloody nose as he attempted to stand up. The cries for help became more loud and clearer so Ace held down the scientist with his foot on his chest.
"I got him, River. Go help her."
River nodded and rushed through the building to find the limbless girl on a table, crying in pain. River looked around and discovered an old wheel chair in the corner of the room. She went to go fetch it and then River brought it to Lyrica's side.
"Don't worry, I'm here to save you."
Lyrica looked at River with sad but hopeful eyes as River picked up her body and placed her on the wheelchair.
"Th-thank you"
River smiled and rolled off with Lyrica to where Ace was.
"Ace, please take this poor girl to our tents. Tend to her wounds."
Ace took over the wheel chair, keeping ahold of Rivers top hat and cane as he rolled Lyrica out the building and to their camp. River stayed behind and she glared at the scientist on the ground.
"Doing shit like that is not acceptable. Experimenting on a young girl and taking her limbs off? You're a sick man."
River began kicking the man in the side multiple times, making sure she left marks before leaving and returning to the tents. River walked into the tents, Shea was in the corner practicing her mime gestures and Ace was cleaning Lyrica's wounds. River sat beside her.
"I'm River and I'm sure you already met Ace and Shea. You are more than welcome to stay here with us. You will be protected and safe here"
Lyrica smiled, trusting everyone in the tent.
"Thank you so much. My name is Lyrica."
River nodded and spoke up again.
"I have an offer for you. We are all currently forming a circus here. Would you like to join?"
Lyrica looked at River in confusion.
"Me in a circus? Look at me. I'm limited in movement"
River shrugged and smiled.
"I am looking at you...I can help change that."
River stood up with a plan in mind and left the tent and confused people inside. River walked into town and lucky for her there was a prosthetic limbs store. An old man who worked on wooden legs and arms, made the prosthetics look realistic enough to fool anyone. River has no money so the plan was to steal. River walked into the store silently. The owner was at his register, reading a book. The man was older than dirt so his hearing and sight was way below average. River grabbed what she needed from the shelf and quickly ran out and back to the tents. She was breathless from the running but she placed the limps on the bed beside Lyrica.
"Lyrica! The limbless girl on tightrope! Sounds exciting, right? We will help you learn to walk with these prosthetics and teach you to preform like a pro. You will be amazing."
Lyrica looked at the fake limbs, thinking for a moment before nodding.
"Sounds like fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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