Meeting Lyrica

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A family who had very little money had very limited options

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A family who had very little money had very limited options. The parents were looking everywhere for new jobs throughout the daily newspaper. The parents stumbled upon an article made by the scientists of that town. The newspaper read
'Female wanted. Any female who is in need of money, we will provide exactly 10 thousand dollars. The job is a risky procedure that involves many experiments. Contracts will be involved but 10 thousand dollars will be the reward'
The parents could only think of someone in particular that they will give up to obtain this amount of cash. The parents walked to their daughters room and quickly began to pack her clothes in a large suitcase. Lyrica was freshening up in the bathroom before returning to her room to only find her parents packing her belongings in a suit case.
"'Mom...Dad? What are you doing?"
The mother couldn't choke out any words to explain to her own daughter what was going on. The dad finally spoke.
"Lyrica, we are poor and need all the help we can get. You are helping us with that. You are going on a small vacation and we are getting paid for it."
Lyrica had a bad feeling in her gut about this whole situation but she felt the need to trust her parents. The mother had Lyrica's luggage in her hand as the father guided them to a small building in town ran by the scientists. The father knocked on the door. A second later, the door opened, revealing a tall, skinny man in a white lab coat. The father lifted up the newspaper, showing the printed article.
"We volunteer our daughter for your experiments"
Lyrica gasped at the words she heard from her fathers voice. The emotion of betrayal and fear flooded her face as she was being shoved into the building. Lyrica was in complete shock, not knowing what to do as her parents signed the piles of contracts to give her away. After everything was approved, the scientist gave the couple a brief case full of money. They glanced at their sad daughter once more before leaving the building. The scientist walked to Lyrica and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry. You are in good hands. Your body will be used for great discoveries throughout these experiments. Your parents made the right decision."
Lyrica didn't say anything, her eyes stayed glued to the wall. The man rolled his eyes and forcefully picked her up and dragged her to a large silver table with straps. Lyrica's brain snapped and she struggled to fight for freedom. Strangely, the skinny man was stronger as he laid her on the table and tied her wrists, ankles and neck down on the table. Lyrica's screams were unheard by everyone outside of the building. The scientist tested on Lyrica for hours and days. He wanted to do a specific experiment involving blood and body parts. The scientist drugged Lyrica up until she fell asleep then he grabbed the sharpest and largest blade he owned, he began carefully chopping off Lyrica's arms and legs. He went to the side to experiment on the smaller portions. After days of sleeping, Lyrica awokened. She was in agonizing pain and it only took her a few seconds to realize her limbs were missing. She blacked out once again.

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