Chapter 7

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*Pipper's POV*

Heat caressed my throat, as the blood trickled down to my chest. It felt as if someone was slowly scraping skin off my body. Well, I suppose that is what's going on.

"Red," I simply say. This is too far. Isiah immediately stops and becomes soft again.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Why are you doing this to me? This is way too far for me," I open up and say.

"This is how you learn. You enjoy spankings, being tied up, hit with crops or floggers. This is the only way you'll actually learn to obey," his words dance across my mind. Looking back at it, he's right. I nod my head gently, allowing him to continue.

His eyes transitioning to deep grey. He traces the edge of the knife to around my nipple. The blade slices through, making a complete circle around my nipple. I scream in agony and pain. The cut isn't very deep at all, but it bleeds still. Its stinging sensation causing my eyes to flood with tears. His hand drags the blade to my left nipple now. The exact same thing is done.

His phone rings, it's a light sound that spreads throughout the room. The trance he was in is broken, and he answers.

The voice he speaks in, is harsh and cruel,
"Who was it?"

"We'll be there in an hour."

I look at him with teary eyes, feeling helpless and small. His face fills with regret as the dark grey eyes scan me.

"I'm so sorry," his voice becoming sorrowful.

"What happened that we're going somewhere," I question.

"They found out who broke in and what they took," he answers, "It's my younger brother." Everything falls silent, we need to leave. The blood has eased up, leaving stains of it all over my skin. A towel with cold water is brushed against the cuts and stains. A line of a cut stays though.

Isiah puts a long loose grey and pink dress over me that he had in the drawers next to the lingerie. He picks me up again, my legs around his waist. My forehead is caressed by his soft lips.

"You're such a good girl," he says while setting me in the front seat of our car.

We drive for 45 minutes before pulling off to an exit. The police station is large with ground to ceiling windows. Ironic it seems, you'd think they'd be protective of things. The large door swings open revealing brown walls and a tall wooden desk. It sits a couple feet higher than the regular ground. Our feet walk in sync to it.

"How may I help you," a lady who's voice sounds distorted and drained asks.

"I just revived a call that my brother is here"

"Have a seat sir," she dismisses us.

We sit waiting in very uncomfortable chairs, maybe they purposely make them like that to keep people out. Probably not.

"Isiah, will you follow me please," says a tall man who defines the stereotypical 'chief' look.

*Isiah POV*

The halls are narrow with rooms lined across from  each other. We make many turns almost as if it was a maze to confuse people so they can't leave. We approach a room, with a metal door. The officer allows me inside and there he is. I haven't seen him in a few years, our last memory was getting out of a house alive.

"Isiah, you came," he speaks through his laughs. His laugh scares your mind, it's awful. "How's that pretty little lady of yours? She's so beautiful and would be great for sex."

"What do you want with her? Is that why you broke into my house," I ask. My voice sounds so coarse and harsh.

"You're lucky she wasn't home," he laughs. My hands form minds of there own. Before my actual head could think, my hands were closing his airway. I release and swing my fist to his eye and another one to the same eye for a second time.

"Sir step back now," a officer steps in and demands. I don't care, my hits only become stronger. In a second my hands are being cuffed behind my back.

They take me back to a new room. It's simple, about seven by five feet maybe. The officer informs me I must be bailed in the next 24 hours, or I get sent to a correctional facility for 30 days and the bail gets higher.

"Can you get Pipper, she's already in the waiting room," I ask in hopes she has cash on her.  The tall officer nods his head and walks out. The room is cold and empty.

I know Pipper is walking down the hallway, her footsteps are light and quick.

"Ma'am it will be a $1,500 charge to free him," the officer announces as they walk into the room.

"That's fine, it's fine. Here, just take this," she's so foolish sometimes. They clearly can not take a card.

"Miss, we only accept cash."

"Right, uhm do you guys have an ATM here," she asks.

"Down the hall to the right," he directs her.

Time passes slowly, as if the clocks were turning backwards instead of forwards. She returns with a wad of $20 bills. He counts each one making sure all of it is there. The gate is then unlocked and I grab Pipper's hand strongly and lead us out of there.

"Thank you," she speaks as we swiftly walk away.

No other words are said beyond that, we get in the car and drive home. Everything still seemed bland.

*Pipper's POV*

Pulling into the driveway, blood has stained the grass in the front yard. It appears almost black now, my hands tremble as I reach for the door to get inside.

"Isiah, what did your brother want," I ask. His eyes slowly meet mine and dart away.

"You," his voice is groggy with distaste.

"Why," was the only word I managed to speak.

His hands begin to ball up in fists, "Because you're still alive."

None of this is making sense, what does that even mean. "What are you talking about?"

"You! You're still here, breathing , walking, eating. His wife died, she got caught in a house fire and passed in the hospital. He is jealous of me and is determined to kill you, why do you think I freak out every time something minor even happens," his voice snapped at me and soothed as he went. "You're staying here unless I allow you to leave, understood," he followed with this

"Isiah, I'm not your slave. What about my job or my sanity," my eyes drive into his.

"You can work from home and trust me, I will keep you busy. Now, is this understood," he proceeded again...

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