“Stalker,” I muttered under my breath.

            “Whoa!  I was just picking up my younger brother.  Don’t be too flattered,” he said with a smirk.

            “Your younger brother…”  I drifted off before suddenly realizing what was going on.  “Right,” I said a bit flustered, “let me go find them.  Do you want to come in or—“

            “Suddenly, someone is really nice.”  Ashton commented before taking a step into the house and closing the door.  Ignoring him, I turned and went into the house.

            “Kevin?”  I yelled.  “If you don’t come out right now, I’m taking away all of your video games and throwing them in the toilet.

            There was a slight shuffle before he meekly popped out from behind a closet door.  “Yes?”  he asked innocently.

            “Where’s your friend?”  I scolded.

            “Oh Logan?  He’s right here,” my brother responded as another person came up from behind him.

            “Hi Kevin’s Mom,” the new boy greeted.  I stared at him in disbelief as a peal of laughter came from behind me.     

Refusing to acknowledge the fact that Ashton was still in the house and within hearing range, I turned red and said in a disbelieving tone, “I’m his sister.”  There was an awkward silence that ensued.  Feeling self-conscious, I thought, well there goes any ‘cool’ points I might have had with Ashton.  I wouldn’t be surprised if bullying occurred tomorrow.

“Oh?”  Logan said with apparent nervousness.  “Sorry!  Kevin told me you were his mom.”

I glared at Kevin who shrank back into the closet with a sheepish grin.  “What, sis?”

Ignoring him, I turned towards Logan.  “You ready to go?”

He nodded before saying, “Sorry about that.”

“It’s not your fault,” I frowned, glaring Kevin down.

“You ready to go?”  Ashton called from behind me.

“Coming!” Logan responded before dashing to the door followed by an eager looking Kevin.

            I walked back to the door at a slow, funeral-like pace, and by the time I arrived, Logan and Ashton were already ready to go.  “Wait, how are you guys getting home?”  I asked out of concern when I realized that there were no cars in sight.

            Ashton turned back to me with a slight grin.  “We’re walking home.”

            I raised an eyebrow and despite the fact that I couldn’t care less on how fast Ashton got home or not, I was more worried about his younger brother.  Despite the fact that they were seemingly siblings, Logan seemed to have a much softer and gentler side.  Added to that, he looked pale in comparison to his older brother as well as didn’t look particularly strong.  “Is it far away?  If you want, I can drive Logan home.”  I emphasized.

            “Aw that sounds like a great idea.”  Ashton pretended to coo before asking, “Do I just walk home?”

            “Yes,” I deadpanned before going over to my bag and fishing out my keys. 

            “Can I come?” Kevin begged.

            “No.”  I turned to glare at him.

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