"So, I think we should make our debut by robbing a bank, just to be small. Oh, and we also need a name." Y/n said as him and his team sat around a table. "Hm, what about Neko Neko." Eliza said making a tapping her chin. "That's offensive. Really." Y/n said and pouted slightly. Very villain like, but since they were the only ones here, they could act normal, not like crazy psychopaths. Because they all were just people who are passionate about something, kind of like heroes are, but they have more negative thoughts. "What about the Mad Shits." Leon suggested. Everyone just stared at him not knowing what to say. "No. How about no." Y/n said sternly. Then everyone including Y/n burst out laughing. This is the first time Y/n shown his real personality, it felt good, here he felt like he belonged, finally he found his place. "What about Kill. Like in K-I-L-L. Kitty Intelligence Licking Love." Spike said everyone again just stared. "Again, offensive, and definitely not. It doesn't even make sense." Y/n said chuckling lightly. "That was creepy." Aku-nu said referring to Y/n's weird chuckle. "Awesome now Im creepy like you and Dad." Y/n said and fist pumped. Then Y/n felt a tug on his shirt, Sakura. He lifted her onto his lap, she smiled at this then leaned up to his ear. "What about the Scars. Everyone here has a scar. Or scars. Scars can also really shine. Or be pretty but it can be just the name or an acronym." Sakura whispered. Y/n smiled. "I love it, just like I love my nee-chan." Y/n said and nuzzled Sakura, tickling her. Sakura burst into frenzies of giggles. "What did she say?" Aku-nu asked, since everyone looked curious. "She said 'Scars' it can be an acronym for Scars Can Also Really Shine. Or just be as Scars, since we all have scars." Y/n said and cuddled Sakura, who didn't mind at all. "How do you know we all have scars?" Spike asked raising an eyebrow. "Sakura. Who has the most, Im just curious." Y/n asked. "Probably me." Eliza said. "Our mother was horrible..." Spike spoke up, for his sister. "Oh..." Y/n said. "Well let's start planning our robbery since we have our name."

They had all of the robbery planned out, every detail taken care of, except for one thing. "My villain name.." Y/n said to himself. He was now on his bed, it was late, about 2 am. He kind of missed his house. It had wifi. Here didn't have wifi. He groaned and put his phone on his night stand. Then there was a knock at his door. "Come in." Y/n called. The person came in, it was of course Aku-nu. "Hey Y/n~" Aku-nu said happily and sat beside him. "I need a name." Y/n said pouting a bit and leaned against Aku-nu, who slowly pet him, well he was trying to just comfort him, even though there was no need. "K.R." Aku-nu said, with a small gasp. Y/n just looked up at Aku-nu and raised and eyebrow. "What." Y/n questioned. "Your name. K-R. As in Kitty Ribbon, but it sounds scarier as just K-R. " Aku-nu finally explained and Y/n smiled. "Sounds good." Y/n smiled. They sat there in silence, just cuddling, enjoying this moment of warmth, but it got cold suddenly when Aku-nu asked something. "Why is this all for him?" He said very bluntly. Y/n frowned and looked the other way. "Because... he betrayed me." Y/n said, trying to put it simply. "Do you have feelings for him?" Aku-nu kept pushing Y/n for answers, and Y/n felt a little overwhelmed. "I- I can't say.." Y/n said and looked down, tearing up a bit. Aku-nu just kept going. "You do. Don't you? Why is it him? Out of all people.... It wasn't worth it for him." Aku-nu said, he sounded so emotionless, it scared Y/n a bit. "It's foolish that you have feelings for him, he is stupid, loving him would only make you stupid. Possibly even more stupid than that. You were only going to be hurt. You are hurt. You will continue to be, your whole life. You're so fucking stupid..." Aku-nu said and punched the bed, anger controlling him, black sparks began shooting from his hand. Y/n noticed. He heard everything. "Izuku Midoriya is horrible, a stupid kid. The only one as stupid as him is Y/n L/n. Because.. they think everything is just going to be fine. But it fucking isn't going to be." Y/n snapped at Aku-nu's words. A ribbon wrapped around Aku-nu's neck, tightly, and formed into metal, and somehow it started heating up, hot metal tight around his neck, it could only lead to one thing or a few things. "The only one who is stupid is you asshole. You're the one taking out your unrequited love heartache on someone who is clueless. How in the hell of all this time, especially when you were gone, was I supposed to know that you had feeling for me. You're stupid. No I don't think everything is going to be fine. My whole life I saw fire. Fire. Wanna see something cool?" Y/n said angrily, he took off his shirt, revealing many burns all over his body. "I have these almost everywhere. Nothing was going to be fine in my life. I knew that. Because I was quirkless, and the only way I could do anything was if I became a villain. I LEFT GOOD FOOD AND WIFI BEHIND!!!" Y/n yelled, crying. "You seriously brought up wifi?" Aku-nu managed to get out, the metal tightening around his neck. "Yes, because it was all that had. Especially when I thought I had friends but it turns out I didn't." Y/n said, finishing, releasing the metal ribbon and making it disperse into the air. Aku-nu caught his breath, after a few pants, inhales which sounded horrible, Aku-nu recovered, and pat his lap. "Come here Kitty." Y/n sighed, wiping his tears. He waddled over to the bed, crawled his way over to Aku-nu who was by the pillows, he sat on his lap. Aku wrapped his arms around Y/n. "Im sorry. Im very sorry.... I don't know what got ahold of me.. must be my feelings, I love you too much, it just came out the wrong way." Aku-nu said, slightly hesitantly. Aku-nu blushed as he said this to Y/n. "Im sorry I wasn't there.. I was just too dangerous to be around you, but we are together now. Don't worry Y/n." Aku-nu nuzzled Y/n as he spoke. Y/n sniffled and nodded. "You're forgiven." Y/n said, but with a hint of reluctance in his voice. "Thanks.." Aku-nu said and began to lay down, with Y/n in his hold, so both laid down in the bed. Aku-nu kissed the top of Y/n's head. "Night my kitty."

Y/n's Journal to anyone who reads because I found this to be cute:

Today was crazy.. I got my quirk. Or quirks. I don't know exactly. Dad is weird. Always leaves unanswered questions. Like yesterday I asked if I could order pizza, he responded with. "Pizza has cheese." Like wtf does that mean?? Also I came up with my name today. K-R, cool huh. Well I guess it's more of Aku-nu's idea. The people here are amazing, for some reason I feel like I knew these people for years, my whole life even. I can tell they feel the same way. I think I actually belong somewhere. Im not going to fuck it up this time. I know it. Oh I almost kiss- I mean killed someone. But I really almost did. It was Aku-nu. We actually kissed. So I guess I kissed and almost killed. He confessed today. To me. I don't know how to feel, maybe I should roll with it, I mean, it satisfies me, it's going to be awkward when he finds out I don't actually have feelings, well to be honest I dont know... well that's all bye.

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