_*+~Chapter 6~+*_

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Y/n slowly knocked on the door to the basement. Someone immediately opened the door, it of course was the scientist, who was named Leon. "Ah, Y/n welcome. You look evil in your costume." Leon said with a smile, however it was kinda creepy. It reminded him of Aku-nu. While Y/n was here he found out Leon was Aku-nu's Dad, his wife was Japanese so that explains his name. "So what quirk will I be getting?" Y/n asked curiously. "It's a surprise, you'll find out later." Leon said with the same creepy smile. "You and Aku-nu have the same smile. Its creepy." Y/n said bluntly, in which Leon deadpanned at. "Lets just get started." Leon said and shook his head slightly. Y/n saw that in the room right in the middle had a silver like case, almost like a tanning bed, it had multiple cords hooked up to it, including two huge ones. Leon gestured for him to lay in it. Y/n did so, very reluctantly. These guys were villains, so maybe it all was a trick, even the thing about him being the leader. The only reason he was offered the position was because he managed to track down the information of the group, and because none of them had leader like skills. Y/n apparently had such a dedication to becoming a top villain that he became the leader. Someone snapped him out of his thoughts. Aku-nu. He was hovering over Y/n. "Just wanted to say good luck. Oh and give you something for good luck." Aku-nu said and grinned, before gently pressing his soft lips against Y/n's lips, a kiss. When Aku-nu pulled away he winked and began closing the top of the lid to the machine. "That was my first kiss idiot!" Y/n yelled out as he saw the last bits of light before gas started coming in through little holes on the sides of the box. Laughing gas. Well thats what he called it. One last thought came to mind before his world turned black. "I think I didn't mind that kiss too much...."

Y/n groaned as his heavy eyelids opened, only to see black again which caused him to scream. "I knew it they killed me now Im in a endless hole where my soul is trapped for eternity!!!!" He yelled panicking and started thrashing around. Then he heard a flick, and the light turned on. "Jeez. We wouldn't kill you. You're to likeable.." Said a very familiar voice. Y/n squinted towards the figure, his eyes adjusting to the light. "Aku-nu?" Aku-nu just nodded. Y/n smiled. "WAIT. YOU KISSED ME. NOW I HAVE COOTIES. TAKE THEM BACK." Y/n yelled then regretted it as Aku-nu walked towards the bed, which Y/n just realized he was on, and he was in his room. Everything seemed to go slower as Aku-nu pushed Y/n down on the bed, straddling his hips, pinning him down as he slowly leaned down. "As you wish my leader." Aku-nu whispered against Y/n's lips before the met once again. Y/n hummed in satisfaction as he wrapped his arms around Aku-nu's neck. Aku-nu bit Y/n's lip lightly, Y/n getting the signal, he opened his mouth slightly, just enough for the other to slip their tongue in, but before he could. "AHEM." Y/n and Aku-nu shot up from the door to see Leon, along with the rest of the team. Both males blushed and separated. "We just wanted to come to talk about your quirks." Said Eliza. "Oh." Said Y/n looking to the side slightly still blushing. "So what are they?" Y/n asked tilting his head slightly, definitely looking like a cat. "They are like Sakura's, ribbon control, however you can produce ribbon, and harden it forming a metal like material, you can stretch it, use it in different lengths, and so on. You have another quirk but it shall be hidden for now." Leon or, Dad said. "Thanks Dad." Y/n smiled trying to act super cute, and it worked. "Awwww so cute." Leon said and pinched his cheeks. "Ow, these whiskers aren't marker, they're scars." Y/n said swatting Leon's hands away. "Okay. We begin planning tomorrow for now leave me be, we have lots to do." Y/n said getting serious. Everyone except Spike sweat dropped at the sudden personality change, which Y/n proven to be good at, it could possibly be his villain act. Everyone left, except Aku-nu. "So kitty where did we leave off?" Aku-nu said getting closer to Y/n, then gently lifting his hand towards his chin and pulled him closer to his lips. Y/n closed his eyes in anticipation, his heart beating. Aku-nu loved this, he truly did. But he didn't know who was really on his mind, considering he is doing all of this for Izuku, because of Izuku. Because Y/n probably loved Izuku. But Aku-nu might as well enjoy for now. With that Aku-nu finally attached their lips.

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