_*+~Chapter 1~+*_

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Y/n was walking down the sidewalk, walking his usual route to get to his school. He had his earbuds in, bobbing his head to the beat, he smiled. How he loved doing this right in the morning, but how he hated the rest of the day. Everyone was so mean to him, he would never belong, but thats what others thought. He knew he as smart enough to work at a hero company, sure it would be a long shoot trying to become a hero, but he was still going to try, because he didn't really want to do anything else, or really wanted to do the research to become something else. He was lazy, but he had his daily adrenaline rush from the fire breathing, self centred jerk. He silently watched his feet step in front of another, still bobbing his head, he had his hoodie over his eyes, he loved baggy hoodies for that reason, they hid him from the cruel world. But he didn't entirely hate the world, for now at least. He began humming, just quiet enough for only him to pick up, quiet enough to not attract attention from other people, then he began dancing slightly, he looked up, and he was glad to notice no one was around, so he continued dancing, he laughed while he did so. Then he froze. Everyone is gone. Where did they go? Y/n looked around frantically, then he caught site of a huge rat, he quickly ran towards it, holding his backpack straps, which he had to go back for earlier. Y/n panted as his legs moved as quick as they could, well not as quick as they move when they run from the fire breathing jerkster. ((Get it? Monster and jerk. Haha..)) He made his way into the crowd, then he bumped into someone he was so curious about what hero was fighting he didn't pay attention, until he made it to the front of the crowd of random people who wanted t watch. "I wonder who came to fight.." He mumbled, although it wasn't just him who said that.

Someone else said the same thing he had said, so he turned to his side, the person did the same thing, both had wide eyes. A pretty curly green haired boy is what Y/n saw. He bet the other saw a ugly tired and beaten up creature when they looked at Y/n. The green haired boy just smiled then pulled out a notebook and a pencil, then Y/n was about to reach for his, but he felt nothing in his bag other than homework. "Damn it.." Y/n sighed. He looked down at the other boys notebook reading the quick thought of notes. Then Y/n's mouth began moving on its own. "Can I borrow those sometime?" He blurted and he blushed in embarrassment. But he was very desperate for the notes. The boy looked at him with a face that shown hope and surprise. "Of course!" The boy said and smiled, when he did it felt like the world stopped and al the sunlight and everything magical focused on that smile. 'That smile will be the death of me..' Y/n sighed inwardly. "CANYON CANON!!!!!!" Was all that was heard, but Y/n swore everyone around him could hear his heart beat like crazy, almost off the charts. Then Y/n heard a page flip and more pencil scratches.

Y/n and the green haired boy were walking down the sidewalk now, both taking a similar route to school. Y/n was reading the notes taken today, he scanned the material with a satisfied curve on his lips. He snapped pictures of the two pages, he would copy them down later that night. "O-oh I never introduced myself." The green haired boy began as Y/n handed him his notebook back, Y/n now giving the boy his attention. "I am Izuku Midoriya." He said and gave that time stopping smile, which only made Y/n smile, while a warm feeling formed in his chest. "Y/n L/n." ((Or like L/n Y/n.)) "U-uhm, Y/n.. Can we be friends?" Izuku asked. Y/n's face and whole body went into a shock, he froze. Izuku became worried. "Y/n!" He yelped and poked you worriedly. Y/n grinned as he unfroze, his face and body going back to normal. Then his grin disappeared. "W-well Izuku I don't think you want to be my friend.." Y/n began. "And why is that?" Izuku responded quite confused. "Because Im..quirkless.." Y/n muttered as his hoodie lowered, him now staring towards the ground. Izuku stifled a laugh. Y/n knew it, it was too good to be true. He was like everyone else. "Y/n. Im also quirkless don't worry. You're not alone!" Izuku said in a cheerful tone. Y/n looked at him in shock, for like the 100th time today. But Y/n swears to god, Izuku makes the sun shine brighter, and it definitely makes his world less dark. Y/n smiled softly. "You're not alone either."

That was the start of a beautiful friendship

//I know its short, forgive me! But I will try to make the next longer. I believe I can. I think. I guess. Uh. But it still is only the start of a crazy adventure!!!!

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