We walked out of the movies and went to get something to eat, that's when her phone rang. She let it ring. It wasn't a number we knew and she didn't have any minutes. I bit my lip It buzzed one more time lighting up the voicemail. I wish she could answer it.

We hung out for a while at the mall then decided to go home. I sighed.

"Mary, I hate this feeling. She hasn't called you to check up...she usually does."

"Well, what time is it?"

"Nine something."

"Time to check voicemail." she dialed and put her password in. I slowed down as she put it on speaker.

"Mary its June, Elena left her bag at school could you get it for me if you haven't already please. And use her phone to text Razor and tell him I'm not dead and to come to Mercy Memorial Hospital. That goes for you too. I'll explain when you get here. I'm sitting in the ER in..Bed number six. If the guy at the front desk asks who you are tell them you're cousins or something or they won't let you back. Okay? And don't call me back at this number because it's not mine its one of the paramedic's he was nice enough to let me borrow it for a few minutes. I've already called Elena's mom so you don't have to worry about trying to get a hold of her, she's already on her way here. Um, that's it. Oh and stay away from the back roads. There horrible. I'll talk to you guys when you get here. Bye"

I turned the car around and headed towards the hospital.

"Gabby slow down.!"

"My girlfriend and your crush are in the hospital I will not slow down. It's been about seven hours ago since she called. What about Elena huh?"

"How'd cha know?"

"Sweetie, I'm your best friend I know things. And that look you always give her. Not to mention you freaking that she didn't show up. You missed her I know."

"I do miss her." she looked down. "I hope they are okay."

"We'll find out soon." I pulled into the parking lot and got out. We ran to the front desk.

"Excuse me, so you know where June Uh.." I looked at Mary for June's last name. She shrugged.

"June Alexander? Yeah, bed six." I smiled and grabbed Mary's arm, pulling her with me.

"Told you." Mary said as she pulled the curtain to reveal June. I was shocked. Mary looked priceless.

"It's about time you got here. I called like..."she looked at the clock. "Seven hours ago."

Mary looked more pissed and furrowed her eyebrows together. "Well...neither of us answer numbers we don't know..." she trailed off.

"Well...I did leave a voice mail. Wouldn't you have checked it right away to see who it was?" she growled back.

"I had to wait till free minutes kicked in." She growled back, I touched Mary's arm and told her calm down. Mary sighed. I put Elena's bag on the empty chair next to the bed.

"You look like hell June." I smirked, wondering where Elena was.

She nodded. "Heh, that happens when you're in an accident..." SHIT!

"Accident?" Mary and I said at the same time.

"Yes, sit down and I'll tell you what happened." she said patting a spot on the bed. I sat down while Mary moved Elena's beg and set it on the floor.

She told us everything, from earlier to when the doctor came in and told her and Elena's mom what was going on.

She almost cried a few times. But me on the other hand started crying. I was in Mary's lap by the time she told us everything.

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