i knew it. i thought to myself, as i saw millie and noah cuddled together in bed. i pulled my phone out of my pocket, and quickly took a picture of them, then closing her bedroom door.

i turned around, and walked to my room. i started to get ready. once i was ready, i checked my phone to see what time it was.

8:30 am, my phone read. the rest of the group should be up by now. i walked out of my room, and was right about the rest of the group being up.

finn, wyatt and jaeden were filming a YouTube video. really? this early in the morning..

Millie and the rest were eating breakfast on the couch or the counter. i noticed jack was glued onto his phone again, and rolled my eyes.

like, I don't care if he's on his phone but, he's been on his phone, constantly texting someone. and the way he acted yesterday when i asked, kind of threw me off. why didn't he just tell me? unless he's not telling you because he's cheating on you.

no, don't be silly riley! jack wouldn't cheat on me. "riley? you okay?" someone said, snapping me out of my thoughts. i realized that i was just standing in the middle of the room, blanking out. i blushed and nodded. "sorry, yeah. just thinking." i said, turning to sophia, sending her a smile.

i walked over to jack and sat next to him. i sat there until he noticed me, "hi jack." i said, and he nodded at me.

nodded? he literally just gave me a simple nod. im gonna kill him. i thought to myself. "so, how'd you sleep?" i asked, while leaning over, placing a kiss on his cheek. "good." he mumbled, not even bothering to look at me and continued to text.

"jack, damn give some attention to your girl." i heard gaten say, and i shook my head. "don't worry about it, apparently whoever he's texting is more important than his girlfriend." i said, causing jack to look at me.

"don't start, Riley." he said, and i looked at him, like he was crazy. what the hell? where's my jack. this isn't him.

"what do you mean, don't start? I'm just stating the truth, jack." i said, while standing up. he rolled his eyes, "you're overreacting. im not even texting anyone. im on Instagram." he said, completely lying to my face.

i let out a sarcastic laugh, "yeah, I'm so sure Instagram has got you caught up in your phone lately, right?" i asked, bitterly. maybe I'm getting my period. im never this sassy.

"guys, come on. calm down." i heard chosen say, but i ignored chosen. "it's the truth, riley. ive been on instagram." jack said, crossing his arms.

i smirked, "so you won't have a problem with me checking your phone, right?" i asked, and he stayed quiet. and i nodded. "exactly. you're such a liar." i said.

"guys, stop fighting." i heard finn say, and get up from the seat he was in. he walked over to us, and crossed his arms. "jack, just show riley your phone." finn said, and jack was about to respond, but his phone went off.

i quickly grabbed jack's phone before he could get it, "Riley! Give me my phone." Jack said, standing up. i unlocked his phone, thanking god for not forgetting his password.

i felt jack's hand grab my waist, and he tried to get his phone. "what the hell are you hiding, jack!" i said, turning around, while holding on his phone hard.

"N-Nothing!" He stuttered, and once again, his phone went off. I pushed him off of me, and looked at who texted him.

ellie hyer💛 : you're so cute aw☺️❤️

my heart clenched, and i felt tears build up in my eyes. he cheated on me..

i read more of their messages, and felt nauseous. i looked up at him, as a tear slid down my face, and handed him back his phone, but not before texting this "ellie" girl.

jack grazer: this is his girlfriend. he doesn't love you and never will, bye bitch!

i handed jack his phone back, and he looked really guilty. everyone was looking at us confused, "why is she crying! what did you do?!" millie asked, while wrapping me in a hug.

"i love you, riley. please." jack said, knowing that he did wrong. i shook my head, "if you loved me, you wouldn't of had cheated on me." i said, as more tears fell down my cheeks.

"YOU WHAT?!" i heard wyatt hell, and everyone stared at jack, shocked. finn, all of the sudden shoved jack into the wall. "why would you do that!" finn yelled, keeping a firm grip on the collar of jack's shirt. "why would you hurt her like that!? what the fuck is wrong with you!!!" finn said, and jack shoved him off of him.

"i don't know, okay. but please, riley. I'm so sorry, i love you so much. im in love with you. please, give me another change!!!" jack pleaded, while grabbing my hand.

"no." i said, more tears falling down my cheek. i ripped my hand out of his grasp and ran into my room, locking the door.

i slid down the door, and started to sob. how could he do this to me? how could he do this to us? i thought he loved me..

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