002: song you catch him singing

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DamonWhistle by Flo Rida 

     He hated your music. And he made it perfectly clear that half the time, it didn't even make sense. but that didn't stop you from blasting Ke$ha, Rihanna, and Flo Rida in the mornings when getting ready for the day. Just to annoy him. It was one morning when you were listening to Whistle, when you heard him singing along in the shower, making you smile. Maybe he doesn't hate your music as much as he claims. 

StefanWe Are Young by fun. (featuring Janelle Monet) 

     Seeing as you didn't want to live together yet, he had a key made for you in case you ever wanted to spend the night. And since you knew that Lexi was in town, you decided to drop by for a visit and see her. What you didn't expect was to have her and Stefan singing kareoke in the living room, with Stefan belting out the notes to We Are Young. Which was ironic, considering how old he was. Soon enough, you joined them both, commenting onn Stefan's not so great singing voice. 

KlausRun Around Sue by Dion 

     For some reason unknown to you, Klaus had an obsession with much older music. No where nearly as old as him, of course. But decades old music. One of his favorite songs was Run Around Sue. You weren't sure if it was based off of a personal experience, or if he just liked the beat, but several times you walked in on him painting with it playing in the background. Sometimes he would be humming along and tapping his foot, but every once and a while he would openly sing along. 

Elijah; Human by Christina Perri

     Elijah didn't really listen to many current artists. However, there was something about Christina Perri that he enjoyed. It was something you both had in common. So when you came down for breakfast in the morning, and heard him softly singing Human under his breath while flipping pancakes, it brought a smile to your face. 

Kol; Roar by Katy Perry 

     It was actually pretty fun introducing Kol into the new age he had woken up in. Especially when it came to music. You quickly learned that he didn't like metal, but loved anything upbeat. It was hilarious one day when you came home to Kol blasting Katy Perry and sinigng along loudly. You didn't know what drove him to do it, whether it was boredom or if he genuinely liked it. But you had a great laugh about it. 

Jeremy; I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift

     It had been stuck in his head all day after you sang along with it when it came on the radio on your way to school. After school, you decided to drop by the Grill to see if he needed a ride home when you found him in the back, taking stock and singing the familiar chorus of "oh! oh! oh! trouble, trouble, trouble" and you couldn't help it, you pulled out your phone and started recording him. Unfortunately, he caught you and stuck his tongue out, accusing you of somehow getting the song stuck in his head on purpose. 

Tyler; Rap God by Eminem

     You hated Tyler's music. It was full of profanity and, in your opinion, it wasn't even real music. But you never really said anything about it to Tyler. You couldn't deny it, it was sort of amusing when Tyler would walk through after a run. He would go to the fridge to get a bottle of water, trying his hardest to rap along to Eminem. You just didn't have the heart to tell him that he was not actually going to be the next rap god due to his inability to rap. 

Alaric; Hotel California by The Eagles

     He was so old school. The way he did things, the music he listened to, even the car he drove. Sometimes he just seemed so out dated but in the best ways. You loved it. Especially when you would shower in the mornings and hear him singing old classic rock songs while deciding what to wear for work that day. Once you asked why he liked sining Hotel California so much, and he just shrugged and said it kind of reminded him of Mystic Falls, making you laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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