Chapter 7

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"Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie."


This bed is so soft. And it smells so good. The familiar woodsy scent engulfed me in the best possible way. I sat up, letting my eyes adjust to darkness around me.

I felt around for a lamp. I was finally able to reach it after I got up off the floor. Yes, I fell off of the bed. I looked around the room and it screamed masculinity. But, surprisingly it had a homey feel to it. I glanced out of the window seeing that it was dark out.

Guess I've been out for a good little minute. I walked over towards what I'm guessing to be the bedroom door. The cold hard wood feeling great under my feet. It was dark ass hell in the hallway, but it was filled with noise. After stumbling down the hallway I walked into what was the living room seeing my little baby god son Isiah in Sincere's arms. I stood there for a second trying to figure out what the fuck was happening. But Isiah has a knack for sniffing out woman in distress. Just like his damn father.
"Auntie Sky I missed you so much." He said burrying his face into my chest. "I missed you to sweets. Is your dad treating you okay?" I asked planting kisses all over his face.

Jesus Israel must be pissed that I didn't call him and tell him if I made it. Fuck me. "Auntie daddies been so mean to me. He wouldn't let me bring my toys with me." He said giving me his sad face. Trying not to smile. I swear he's cute as hell but bad just like his father.

"We will talk about this later. I know you did something Issy." I said slightly scolding him. Of course he's to grown for his own good so he just had to be messy. "Auntie Sky are you dating uncle Si?" He asked like it was really his businesses. I swear these kids get older the younger they are. Before I could scold his bad ass I heard Israel yelling at him from the kitchen. Isiah only giggled and pushed his face into my chest more. This his mamma fault. She breast feed him to damn long. Isreal came out the kitchen looking just as surprised I was. "Sky?" A look of realization took over. I slow smirk graced his mouth. I gave him a questioning look when I heard a noise.

I turned to look at Sincere finally. Taking in his hulking frame. I stared at his broad chest and muscular torso. The outline of his abs clearly visible through his white muscle T. I subconsciously liked my lips. Dann he looked good. I'm sure he's just a big flirt though. A man this fine has to be taken. And I'm pretty sure she not fat. Skinny people flock together.

"I don't mind the staring love, but if you keep licking yours lips I just might make the other pair wet too." He said with a sexy smirk on his lips. That snapped me right out of my sex induced trance.

I could feel my cheeks turn a darker shade. Fuck, I swear being light skin is a curse. "Auntie, how many lips do you have? I thought everyone only had 1 pair." If I wasn't so damn out done I would have told him to mind grown folks business, but it wouldn't do nothing. He to damn smart. All the guys bust out laughing. I'm sure at my dumbfounded expression.

"Auntie why are they laughing? I don't understand." Isaiah said looking confused. "It's okay baby, your daddy and uncles are just immature. Can say immature Issy? The best way to get a child to forget something is to tell them something else. "Im-matur right?" He said hopeful. "Yes that's right. Why don't you go tell your daddy and uncle Andre to take you to get ice cream, since they were being immature okay."

With them out of the way it will be easier to deal with Sincere. "You heard auntie daddy and uncle Dre. Let's go." My little nephew was out the door with those oversized children in tow. Sincere closed the door and turned to look at me. Laughter still gracing his gorgeous face. "When your done laughing come and get me. I'm going home." I said slipping on my shoes.

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