Chapter 11 - Final 5

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Chapter 11

Final 5

I didn't move in Sage's arms. I breathed heavily as I laid completely still in his arms. Then I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Sage smile at me. He smiled back at me, then he stopped. I stood up and tilted my head.

"Whats... wrong?" I asked nervously.

He didn't look in my eyes. He looked at the sticky ground. "We are in the Final 5."

My jaw dropped. I wasn't even keeping count... I guess I lost track..

"You won't kill me, right?" I asked grinning, knowing he wouldn't touch a hair of mine.

He kicked the ground then put a smirk on his face. My body began to shake. Then he looked up. I started to back up. I am scared... Does he really, love me...? Then he looked dead in my eyes. My legs wobbled and I started to run. He frowned and started to chase me.

Then I tripped on Stassi's body. Goodbye world... then I looked up at the blue sky as Sage rushed over to me. With the sword in his hands I saw someone jump out if a bush and tackle Sage. I gasped and watched them stab each other and put them in pain.

Then two cannons blasted. I rushed over to the bodies and I wanted to see who the other person was. I pushed Sage's body out of the way and looked at his body. He had a giant red spot in his shirt and his entire face was bloody. Then I looked at the other body.

"Ugh!" I groaned, trying to push the body to the side.

I stroked my hand up the body to the face. I squinted and looked at the persons face.

I gasped. No.. it can't be...


Hey guys :D

It's Sierra here!!!!

I know it's a short chapter but this is what Skylar gave me XD

She was in a rush and yea...

So, I hope you liked the first chapter I wrote!!

And I even want to know who it is :/


Okay bye guys!


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