Chapter 13 - The Little Flying Life Saver

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Chapter 13

The Little Flying Life Saver

I was on the floor just bleeding and the ruffling noise got louder. I prepared for a person to jump out and slaughter me. Just as I closed my eyes and giant grumble came into action.

My eyes flashed open scared of what that was. Was it a mutt? A tribute? My mouth quivered and I heard the grumbling again. Then I felt a pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw the girls body on me. Was she still alive...?

Then I pushed her body off of me then I could feel my stomach grumble. I looked down t it and saw I lost like 50 pounds since I first got here. In the games...

Then the pain came flying back. I screamed and gripped onto my stomach. I breathed heavily. I rapidly search for food by swinging my head back and forth. I crawled over to some grass and ripped it out of the ground. I shoved it in my mouth and began to eat it.

My mouth quivered and my stomach began to break. I could feel my breathe shaking, barely enough to live. Everything seemed dizzy. Then the noise got louder. The tribute...

I rolled over about to die as I see a sponsor. I scream and crawl over to it as fast as I can. I quickly jam it open and see 6 strawberries, 9 grapes and 2 tomatoes. I sunk my teeth into the strawberries and devoured them as fast as possible.

I ate pretty much everything then I drank the little water I had left from the canteen in the backpack. Then I noticed a note in the sponsor box. I looked at it.

It's all you. You can win this. -Cian

I smiled and gritted my teeth. This was it. Only one more tribute...

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