The sigh is what first clued me in that something was abnormal on my blood work. "Ms. Stilinski, your bloodwork came back and everything was great. You are healthy in every aspect." I sucked in a breath, "but?" I asked, frowning. 

"You're pregnant." My eyes snapped towards his. Wait. What did he say? It sounded like he said I was pregnant. But, no. That's like... no. Scott and I used a condom, right? No, we didn't but, I was sure to take the morning after pill. I was careful...

"What did you say?" I laughed a little, as my stomach twisted in knots with nerves. Remember how I said my heart was pounding? Well times that feeling by two and add in nausea and you got exactly what I'm feeling right now.

"You're pregnant. I'll have a nurse send you home with pamphlets full of all your options. As you know you don't have to keep the baby." He looked up from the chart and to my eyes. I could feel the world slipping away, I felt... numb. Everything was all, dull. I was barely able to make out what he said to me.

"Ms. Stilinski, are you okay?" My head was spinning as all of these thoughts began to rush through my brain giving me a horrible headache. What was I thinking. That night with Scott was a bad idea.. no a horrible idea. I should've closed the door and taken my shower. Ugh, I'm so stupid. What do I do now? I can't have a baby. This is my junior year, I have to graduate next year and go off to college and make something of myself.

What will my father say? What about Stiles? They're probably going to disown me and kick me out. Oh my god, what about Scott? This thing could ruin both of our lives...

I looked away from the doctor, mumbling out an, "I'm fine." Knowing what I had to do. Keep this a secret as long as I can. And then when it gets bad, I'll run away for a bit. I'll give the baby to a nice family and come home. Everything will go back to normal. Yeah, it'll all be fine.

I turned and smiled at the Doctor, a sad smile with tears in my eyes. "Can I please go home now?" My voice cracked while I spoke. All I want now is to snuggle on the couch with a blanket. With dad and Stiles sitting with me watching Star Wars or something stupid. I want to pretend like nothing is wrong. Like everything is normal. For awhile at least.

He gave me a sad smile and a nod. "Yeah, you can. I'll sign the paperwork." I smiled at him, waiting for him to leave before I went and changed out of the nightgown the hospital had me in and back into my school clothes.


"So, we're going to a party tonight?" I asked my brother, completely confused by the whole thing. I hate parties. They're a lame excuse for teenagers to get drunk and have sex. Wait. "Is Scott going?" I asked. If Scott's going, maybe the party won't be so bad...

Ugh no. I need to stop thinking like that. If he liked it or wanted to do it again, he would've said something by now. Right?

"Yeah. And that is why you're coming. I don't want him left all alone at the party when I... uh, excuse myself." I gagged slightly at his comment. "Ew. TMI. And fine, I'll go. But only because I want to."

"Okay, be ready in an hour." He hung up before I could protest. Man, I love having a brother.



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