There is Magic in the air

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It was business as usual in the Annex. The three not-in-training-anymore Librarians didn't get a chance to recover from their evening out. As soon as they entered the room, Flynn started talking:

"Everyone is here, good! Let's not waste any more time and start straight away. What do we know from the theft? What do we know about those Flagons?"

Eve hardly managed to hide her smile watching the stunned expression on the three Librarians' face.

"Is it me or did we miss an episode here?" Asked Ezekiel Jones who was the first to recover.

"If you did, then so did we," added Jake Stone.

"Flynn! Eve! I'm so glad to see you!"

Cassandra Cillian ran to the closest one, which was the Guardian, and hugged her.

"We didn't expect to see you so soon," she continued after releasing Eve from her embrace.

"And I'm surprised that you're still there. All of you."

Baird was quite happy to see that they hadn't split. She had been convinced that the small group worked better as a team. They had apparently come to the same conclusion.

"We were having dinner when our clipping books started to react," explained Jake.

"The three of us got the same case, which is a little odd, even for Library standards. But, hey, seriously guys, you should have told us that you were back in town. We skipped dessert because of the clipping book," complained Jones.

"Not important," interrupted Flynn. "Can we please get to the point?"

He was still reading the various articles.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes and sighed:

"It's good to see you too, but... what's the hurry? Can't we wait until the morning?"

Carsen looked up from his book, and shot him a stern glance.

"Ooch, that hurt!" Complained Jones.

"You asked for it," whispered Stone while Cassandra joined Flynn.

He looked at her suspiciously:

"You aren't going to hug me, are you?"

She smiled broadly, shook her head and looked down at the articles:

"Says here that two Flagons have been stolen from the British Museum..."

Ezekiel yawned loudly: "Boring..."

"They are both around 40cm in height..."

"Easily concealed then," noted Eve.

"Made of a copper alloy, mounted with pieces of red coral and glass. They look really nice," read Cassandra further.

"How old are they?" Jake wanted to know.

"Mid fifth Century BC. They date back to the Iron Age... They have been in the British Museum collection since the late 1920s."

"Why would someone steal them now? After all that time?" Asked Stone.

Ezekiel sniggered: "There are so many reasons someone would steal them, I wouldn't have enough of my ten fingers to list them all."

"Is that so? Well, be my guest, list them!"

"Guys," intervened Cassandra, worried that her friends might enter in one of their heated challenges. "If the clipping book pointed us to this case, one would think that the reason is pretty obvious..."

"There is Magic in the air!" Shouted Flynn.

He then grabbed Eve for a dance all while singing:

"Feel it everywhere there's magic in the air. And the night's full of love from the fire we started. Listenin' to the sound of music all around. There's magic in the air..."

Jake suddenly decided that he wanted to be part of the moment and held his hand out to Cassandra, inviting her to dance with him.

"What is all that noi..."

Jenkins stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the two couple dancing. His puzzled look rested on Ezekiel who grinned:

"Don't count on me to dance with you, mate. Especially not with you dressed like that."

The caretaker was wearing his pyjamas and a nightcap.

"Oh, Jenkins, perfect timing!" Exclaimed Flynn, interrupting his song and the dance. "We need to be off now. At the British Museum."

"But it's the morning in the U.K.! It must be what? 7am in the morning?" Worried Eve.

"All the more reason to go now. The Museum will still be closed to the public and we can simply blend in."

"You want us to pretend that we're working there?" Laughed Ezekiel.

"Exactly. Now, shall we be going?" Urged Flynn.

Eve realised that Cassandra had been very quiet. At first she thought that she was still enjoying mentally the spontaneous moment of happiness that had occurred a few minutes earlier, but the Librarian was staring at Jenkins, a concerned expression on her face. As soon as she caught the Guardian's eyes on her, she smiled and walked towards the door to join her friends, who were ready to leave.

The caretaker had put his empty cup of tea on the table and was already fiddling with his device. Baird made a mental note to have a chat with him as soon as they would come back. There was something odd about his behaviour since they had showed up in the Annex an hour ago, and she wondered if it had something to do with her knowing his true identity. She quickly pushed those thoughts at the back of her mind. Right now, she needed to focus on the case. The device was now active and the gate would open soon, allowing them to enter... directly into Room 50 where the Flagons had been in display.

"You're getting an expert at this," complimented Eve in an effort to cheer Jenkins up.

He didn't even smile at the comment. Instead, he wished them good luck and waited until they would pass the door.

Flynn was the first one to rush into the room, obviously excited by the adventure. Jake and Ezekiel followed suit.

"Maybe I should stay here in the Annex," suddenly said Cassandra.

Eve could easily guess what had caused her change of mind. She too could sense something about Jenkins not being all right and the girl probably wanted to be of help.

"Off you go now. They are all waiting for you, and I'd like to resume my night if you please," the caretaker said.

He sounded mildly annoyed and the Guardian wondered if it was because they were holding the gate open or because the young Librarian was willing to stay behind.

"He is right, Cassandra," decided Eve. "We need your expertise. Let's go."

Both women walked pass the door that closed shut behind them. As if someone had slapped it.

"Alone, at last!" Sighed Jenkins in contempt, a smile blossoming on his lips. 

The Librarians ...and the Sleepwalking Caretaker (Budapest Mysteries - part 2)Where stories live. Discover now