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- 1 year earlier
My palms are sweaty and my eye suddenly has this uncontrollable twitch. I can't stop shaking my leg violently and my dark brown hair, being the tedious mess it is, could not be tamed this morning. Lets face it I'm a lost cause.

I bring my hand up to my mouth making sure my breath smells minty fresh like toothpastes intends it to smell. I look into the small mirror on the car visor making sure my teeth look fine and don't have any traces of this mornings breakfast.

This isn't my first time coming to a new school but this time it's different. Mom says that we are finally settling down at least until I finish this whole school year. I couldn't be more excited. But then my excitement is of course drowned by the factor of first impressions. First impressions are key on the first day of school. It deciphers everything about your future soon to come school experience. If I screw up I'm screwed. At least that's what I've heard, I've been homeschooled for the majority of my schooling. I'm a nervous wreck at the moment and my growling stomach isn't helping the issue. Why? I fed you like an hour ago I say mentally as I look down in its direction.

''Sometimes its out of nervousness June,'' My mom says reading my mind or just hearing my loud stomach.

I look down at my legs not wanting to think about the dreading moments of first confrontations. I'm not a normal person. I'm awkwardly shy. Most kids at my previous public schools reminded me of this daily. That's why first impressions are key if I no longer want to get picked on. I'm weird but I shouldn't let people know this time.

''I don't know if I can do this mom,'' I say mumbling, continuing to look down.

"You'll be great sweety. Just go out there and be yourself.'' My plan is to do the exact opposite of that I think.

"Yeah okay sure mom.'' I sigh rather exasperatedly.

''Hey bud c'mon cheer up,'' she pokes my side making me flinch and let out a slight chuckle,"I love you.'' She gives me a reassuring smile before planting a kiss on my cheek. I lead my shaking hand to the door handle. The handle feels slippery and I then realize its because of my sweat. I bring both palms to my dark blue jeans and wipe them rather harshly. I look outside the window watching all the different students I will be sharing this school with. I suddenly feel a sense of intimidation. What if they don't want to share their school with me? My heart sinks just pondering the thought. What if my heart had to accept that reality? I reach up to my chest towards the place I believe my heart to be.

I suck it up and swallow down all my fear,literally. The loud gulping noise I make can assure you of that. Mom hears it and looks at me with a worried and hesitant expression. Again I reach for the door handle and grow a pair as a sudden adrenaline rush seems to overcome me. The adrenaline coursing through my blood is almost like a superpower to me. It allows me the power of sudden confidence and bravery. I can do this. I bring down the handle and push the door open placing one foot on the hard pavement. Looking towards my mom I give her a sudden yet reassuring smile. With this smile I'm telling her that she's right, she's right because I'm going to be just fine.

"Love you too mom.''

''Goodbye sweety,'' she finishes blowing me a warming goodbye kiss.

I close the door shut and turn around to face eternal death. Well eternal meaning a year more of this living hell. I take it back I don't think I can do this. Turning back around I realize its too late because moms already nearing the parking lot exit. An exasperated sigh escapes from between my lips and I turn back feeling defeated. God I hate high school. The cool morning breeze gently glides past me freeing a few strands of my hair from its still position. I blow the loose pieces out of my face frustrated. Completely failing at this only assures me on  the idiotic image I have of myself. Fed up I bring my hand up and just move the strands behind my ears. Looking down at my schedule I scan through it and come across my first period. English-Mr.kartwright, room F105. I continue walking, my head bowed, in the direction I believe I'm supposed to be going. One foot in front of the other and deep bre- My foot catches onto an uneven crack in the floor and nearly topples me over. I frantically look up and hope to God nobody just witnessed that. My nerves are slightly calmed when realize nobody's bothering to even look in my direction. To busy in their own world I guess.

I reach the front of the classroom door F105. The door is closed shut and the hallways are empty. Earlier I couldn't muster up the courage inside of me to ask someone for directions. Whenever I was about to approach someone my stomach got this weird uneasy feeling and my hands began shaking uncontrollably. I decided I just couldn't do it so I got lost and now I'm here, slightly late. Just slightly. While holding my breath, I hope for a nice teacher, one whom will let me slide for being late as I take a step inside.

Will's POV

Another spit ball I shoot in Riley's direction lands perfectly on his cheek reciprocating me into bursts of laughter. He turns, glaring daggers at me and I respond by just shrugging and then looking back down at my text book. The whole class, including me, turns their attention towards the door as it creaks open. A girl walks in. She's mid height with shoulder length long hair. Her stark black hair with a few slightly lighter streaks has this natural wave in it that contrasts perfectly with her olive skin and bright green eyes. I make out all these features yet at the same time don't. Wait! There's no way in hell.

It's June Matthews.


It gets better just hang in there. First chapters in my case always are a bit rough.

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