"Hey, where've you been?"

Grace turns and sends him a small smile, gesturing to the empty spot next to her. She knows he was referring to when she left in a hurry after finishing breakfast, and luckily she didn't have to lie. She simply held her wrists up, showing off the few strips of medial tape now there instead. "Got these bad boys out."

"Congratulations," Isaac smiles, making himself comfortable on the bunk. "Does it hurt?"

"Nope," Grace replies, beginning to run her pencil along the page in her sketchbook again. She sits cross legged on the bed with the book placed on her left knee, trying to replicate the image in her head. "Miller practically shoved those pills Maya had brought me down my throat the moment I showed even the tiniest bit of discomfort."

"Sounds like him," Isaac lets out a small laugh as the image flickered through his head. His eyes move to her sketchbook with a small smile. "Who are you drawing?"

"Oh, um," Grace shifts awkwardly in her spot.

It was of Bellamy, back on Unity Day. It was after she had stumbled into his arms like a idiot. She could remember her briefly trying to convince him to relax and have a drink, but of course he was being the responsible dad and looking after his children, and when he said no she had asked him to dance. He also said no to that, claiming he didn't dance. Grace calls bullshit on that one; she had made it her mission to get him to dance the next chance she got.

She never did get around to it, running for her life and all.

She didn't realize she hadn't responded yet, so she tilted the book to the side and showed it to him. She watches as his mouth forms a small 'o' shape as he takes in every detail.

The drawing of Bellamy was of one of those rare moments where he let his guard down in front of her. His face was soft and relaxed and he wore that cute little smirk from her attempts at getting him to dance with her. His eyes were lit up in the nicest way, the pencil did nothing for how it had looked in real life. She was trying to get them just perfect when Isaac had come in.

"Is this Bellamy?" Isaac asks softly as to not pressure her into answering. She can't find the right words, so she just nods. Isaac purses his lips, then nods his head. "He's hot."

Grace bursts out laughing, completely startled at his answer. Isaac let's out a laugh at her reaction, neither of them caring that most of the others in the dorm were watching the two talk with wide smiles. No one has really seen her that happy since seeing her on the first day, and even then her smile was never as wide.

"What?" Isaac laughs some more, leaning back into the bunk as Grace clutched her stomach. "He is!"

"Trust me," Grace chuckles, taking her notebook back from him and flipping it to a blank page. "I know he is."

Grace moves so her back is against the wall behind the bed, pulling her legs up slightly and laying her sketchbook on it. "Sit up and smile," Grace instructs Isaac. He frowns in confusion.


"Come on, just do it," Grace laughs. He does as he's told, his brows still furrowed but he now has a small smile on his face. He pulls his long legs into the bed with some difficulty, Grace biting her lip and stifling a laugh as she watched him struggle, and then he sat cross legged on the bed in front of her. "Now was that so hard?"

He sends her a playful glare. "Shut up. What exactly am I doing right now? My legs are already cramping up, Gracey."

"Gracey?" Grace questions, her brows furrowing. "Did Miller tell you that nickname?"

SAVIOUR, BELLAMY BLAKE ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now