Chapter 4 - Don't Get Caught

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I blushed at her comment, trying not to moan loudly in pleasure.  I bit my lip to keep from exposing us. Jennie removed her hand from my mouth, "now if you can manage to keep that sexy mouth of yours down I won't put my hand over it."

She looked at me amd smirked seductively. "Take your shirt off baby girl. I would but I'm busy doing something." Jennie said, curling her fingers inside of me, making me gasp out in pleasure.

I shakily took my shirt off and hung it on the coat hook in the stall. Jennie looked down at my breasts, tracing a finger from her free hand along the hem of my sports bra. "Calvin Klein I see. It's so sheer you can see your nipples baby. You must be really turned on by my fingers inside of you."

Jennie used her free hand to lift my sports bra above my breasts, not taking it all the way off. Her eyes widened at the sight of my exposed skin.

"They're so round and plump," she held my left breast into her right hand, "the perfect hand full too." Jennie them removed her hand, bringing it up to her mouth, then began to lick and suck on two of her fingers. She took them out of her mouth, a string of saliva connecting the two together when she pulled them out.

"You better bite your lip and not make a noise. If you do I'll punish you." Jennie threatened in a seductive tone. She brought her wet index and middle finger to my nipple, rubbing them on me.

I squirmed around, gasping slightly, using one of my hands to cover my mouth.

Suddenly there were footsteps coming from outside the bathroom. Jennie leaned in, "now I want you to balance on the bars on either side of this stall, and be quiet." She whispered in my ear, curling her finger.

I got up on the bars, shakily. Jennie leaned in and kissed up and down my neck not making this any easier for me.

The person walked into the stall next to us. I tried to be quiet I really did but Jennie bit down and sucked on my nape, making me yelp out slightly. The person next to us knocked on the side of the stall, "are you okay?"

"Now answer..." Jennie whispered, almost inaudible. I nodded and tried to make my voice not crack and sound like I wasn't being fucked by Jennie's fingers. "Y-yes..." I stuttered and squirmed a little when Jennie added a third finger.

"Okay," the person said, washing their hands and leaving.

"What did I say about making a sound?" The older girl's voice took a harsh tone. She soon took her fingers out.

The older girl licked her fingers and smiled at the taste. "You're really sweet." Then she left at that statement, her footsteps echoing on the floor.

Jennie POV

It's been three days since I did that to Lisa. She seemed to kind of jump every time I touched her just a bit. Her face would always flush or something.

Class just ended with a ring of the bell and I went to lunch, Lisa tagged along behind me, her hands on my shoulders. Then of course Chaeyoung was following aimlessly behind Lisa.

She gets on my nerves sometimes. Yes, indeed I do love the girl and she's my friend but I can't help but get so jealous over her constantly checking my Lalisa out. I'm gonna need Rosé. To back the fuck up.

We walked down the five flights of stairs and entered the cafeteria, sitting down at our table. Funny thing is we named it the "gay table" because almost all of us sitting here are some form of not completely straight, if that makes sense.

We have a whole mix of gays at our table. Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual, Lesbian, Gay, you name it we've got it. But theres also the thing that I have to show no emotion towards Lisa what so ever.

Lisa and I sat next to each other, our legs bumping into themselves. The blonde's left hand snaked down to find my thigh, she rubbed it softly, squeezing it every now and then.

She drove me crazy doing that. Her hand would sometimes dip in between my legs and brush against my panties. I leaned into her ear and let out a quiet moan, Lisa's face turning red instantly.

Ms.Dara, our music teacher, dismissed us from the table and motioned for us to get in line to get our food. She was always so pretty and also Jisoo looks like a spitting image of her.

Lisa and Momo raced up to the line to go get food, since they loved to eat so much. Momo shoved Lisa back and got in front. I giggled at the younger blonde and turned to talk to Jisoo, moving every now and then as the line slowly snaked to an end.

I sat back down and started to pick up my chicken leg and eat it. I love chicken but not as much as Jisoo, she goes absolutely bat shit crazy over it. She was just jumping in her seat and eating it happily.

One thing I didn't notice was that Lisa was picking at her chicken, depressingly. Lisa when through a faze not too long ago where she was just depressed all the time no matter what. More so when she arrived from Thailand since she couldnt speak the language and didnt have any friends.

Well she had Sorn and Bambam but she wanted to get to know more people. Then she met me.

I leaned down and gripped her hand under the table, entwining my fingers in hers. The younger girl looked up at me and smiled, slightly.

I wonder what was wrong with her?

A/N - HAHA I will stop there, to break your hearts I hope. I bet you didnt expect the sexy time, neither did I. Sorry it's been long, I had school and all. Hope you liked it and leave suggestions as well if you want. As always, stay heathly and have a great day, author-nim out!


Acceptance - A JenLisa storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ