Craig growled softly, trying to tug his hat back up, making his hair stick out from underneath it at odd angles " stop that McCormick!" he huffed before pulling the blondes hood back up and pulling the toggles to close it over his face, Kenny yelped and whines as the hood closed around his face, his nose and mouth poking out as he went still in Craig's lap. The noirette simply chuckled and lent forwards, nipping at Kenny's nose, as he had done to him " i think i can call that checkmate" he coos, leaning down so that his mouth was right next to where Kenny's ear would be beneath his hood " wouldn't you say so, princess?"

The blonde shuddered and his breath caught in his throat, his chest arching slightly at the coos and Craig's tone of voice, licking his dry lips as he stammers out a reply " y-yeah" he swallows thickly as his cheeks turned red. Craig smirked and purred " good boy~" slowly nuzzling the side of the blondes head, " couldn't have you thinking you could just get away with tugging my hat now could we?" he uttered.

The smaller male bit his bottom lip as his breath hitched in his throat once more, his thighs clenching slightly as he unconsciously tipped his head back more for the male " n-no" he managed through his breathing. Craig couldn't help the hitch in his own breathing as he felt Kenny's thighs clenching around him, the power trip he was feeling from the whole situation and just the pure joy he felt of being able to be close to the blonde again after years of social separation, " maybe if you're good, i'll let you wear it sometime" he chuckles. Kenny's lips quirked up at the idea " ye-yea, that'd be nice" he smiles and shifted in Craig's lap as if waiting for him to pull his hood back down.

Craig sat back slowly, taking in the sight of the blondes lips and nose poking out from the fluffy lining of his parka before pulling it down to rest on his shoulders, sniggering at the way the blondes hair stuck out at odd angles which lead to Kenny pouting and whining "Don't laugh" as he lightly punched his arm which in turn lead to Craig laughing harder, brushing kennys hand away from his arm " you hit like a girl" he teased, flicking the others nose slightly.

Kenny squeaked and blinks at the flick " well a princes doesn't usually need to fight her own battles" he spoke playfully and slumped into him " i have people to fight them for me~ like my trusted thief~" he coos, while Craig scoffed and looked up at the sky, reminiscing their childhood "if i remember correctly... the princess was quite feisty in the day, M'lady gave me quite a few black eyes and definitely a run for my money" he hums remembering the many times that Kenny had hoisted his dress up with one hand as he drew the other back for a powerful swing, he remembered clearly the sharp pain as knuckles connected with his cheek or eye and how despite his best efforts to fight back, he was beaten nearly every time, completely enamoured by the blonde in a dress.

The smaller male hums "i'm not as strong as i use to be" he murmurs and pursed his lips " my old bones can't hold me forever" he spoke sweetly " my prince hasn't came to save me~ i'm going to be an old lady soon" he continued playfully falling back against his chest snorting at Craig's reply of " Don't give me that shit... i'm older than you" the taller gave Kenny a playful shove as the blonde flopped around dramatically " if you're going to be an old lady... that makes me ancient" he huffed almost pouting at the thought.

Kenny laughs sweetly and squeaked at the shove, slipping to the grass with another burst of laughter " meannnn~" he whines out and looks up at him "careful dear~ don't want to break my bones with all this roughhousing" he faked a frail tone and blinking as Craig leant over him with a smirk, "shame" he crooned, dropping his voice low as he leant closer down "i always thought you'd like it rough...guess i was mistaken" there was a slight purr to his tone as he went to sit back up while the blonde males body shuddered almost violently beneath him at his tone, lips parting as he blushed deeply, his thoughts cursing himself, an embarrassed sound leaving his lips as he held back the moan bubbling in his throat, his thighs giving a shake as he attempted to ground himself, wrapping his arms around Craig's neck to pull him fully over him as he spoke lowly " why don't you find out just what i like then, Tucker?" he peers up through his long lashes.

The taller male followed the arms that pulled him down until he was looming over the smaller frame, crowding him with his long arms " nah... i wouldn't want to break the fair maiden.... i don't think she could handle me~" he purred, leering slightly at the boy beneath him, letting out a confident aura while the blonde breaths out a soft smile as his back was pressed into the grass as he bit down on his lip as the words easily flowed from his lips at the challenge, fingers sliding up to cup the back of Craig's neck " you'd be surprised what she can handle" he purrs sweetly.

Craig chuckles " you were only just telling me how frail you's a guy suppose to know what to do,M'lady?" he teases making to back away before he was pulled back down by the blonde. Kenny pouted as he hugged his neck more, squealing slightly as his body was lifted as Craig shifted upwards, whining as he gave up and slumped back into the grass with a firmer pout " figure it out" before freezing as Craig leant over and brushed his nose down his thin neck, all his pent up frustration from the recent problems with Tweek and the feelings he had for Kenny as a child bubbling to the surface.

Tweek.... Craig paled, his breath catching in his throat as his stomach churned at the thought of the twitchy boy, he tugged back quickly resisting the urge to vomit from the anxiety the other instilled in him. Kenny purrs sweetly at the nose rubbing against his neck but stopped at the way Craig had pulled away quickly " C-Craig?" he stammers and looks over at him tilting his head " you okay?" he spoke slowly. The noirette nodded " y-yeah" breathing out and biting his lip slightly, he was so conflicted. On one side...having Kenny where he'd wanted him since they were kids was all too tempting... on the other hand, he was scared from his experiences with Tweek....the other blonde had been overly possessive and so unbelievably paranoid that Craig felt stifled and he couldn't shake the tense feeling it gave him " i...i've only just broken up with Tweek... we probably shouldn't fuck around..."

The blonde swallows thickly and lets his hands fall to his sides at the words that left the other male, with a warily smile as he nodded, staying silent for the next few tense moments before parting his lips to ask for the time, he didn't want to be late picking up Karen.... he shifted beneath Craig with an awkward look, cheeks still and embarrassed rosy shade. Craig however could tell that the other boy was hurt, he could just see the disappointment in his eyes and Craig felt it tug on his heart strings. "Kenny....i'm sorry... look,... i'm's not that i don't like you, because i's just..." he trailed off, hating the way his desperation leaked into his voice, hating the fact he was weak enough to let someone like Tweek get to him.

Kenny just shook his head and flashed a pained smile " no no it's fine" he spoke softly and shrugged his shoulders, fingers picking at the blades of grass as he kept his gaze down " it's no big deal, it's cool" he stammers through his words as his stomach churned and twisted, though honestly he just wished he would die in that moment" you need time to get over Tweek i get it and it's cool" he offered a big smile, hoping it looked good enough to pass of as a happy smile.

A small whimper left Craig's lips as he allowed himself a moment of weakness " i can tell you're upset" he whines softly and took one of Kenny's cold hands into his own, eyes desperately searching for a trace of something, anything in the blondes expression and in an act of panic he dipped forwards to press a messy but tender kiss to Kenny's lips before pulling back " a promise?" he offered as a sad smile spread across his face " a kiss for the princess as proof i'll return...."

Kenny froze at the whimper, his eyes slowly watering as he felt the lips against his own, his shoulders beginning to tremble as he listened to his words, " o-okay" just simply closing his mouth and nodding along to Craig's words as his eyes downcast to the floor, he hardly showed much emotion when he was hurt.... he'd learnt not to to show Karen he was okay....

He just sucked it up and nodded slowly.

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