Chapter 1

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Kenny pursed his lips as he tightened the strings of his parka shifting in his seat beside Cartman, a soft sigh slipping past his chapped lips as he read what was on the board, projects huh? And they didn't get to pick who they'd be doing them with? Oh joy..... he shifted and rested his head in his hand as he peers around the class, he wondered who he'd be stuck with.... maybe he'd be lucky and be with Kyle or even butters.....

Craig hadn't particularly been paying attention to what was written on the board, far too occupied with flicking small wads of paper at Cartman from his spot just behind to the left of the large male. Smirking as a few of them got their target and got stuck in the folds of skin, gross... so far the brunette hadn't noticed and next to him Tweek, he couldn't help his shudder at the mention of his name. He had shouted and twitched, growling about something as he smacked him on the shoulder as he spoke about how Craig could get into trouble if he were to get caught however he really couldn't care less. That was until Mr.Garison had called out his name, his back straightening as he sat to attention quickly. "Craig Tucker you will be working with.... Kenny McCormick" which lead to the noirette paling and slowly turning his head to look over at Kenny with a glare.... great....just great.. he was going to be stuck working with someone from Cartman's group...

Kenny blinks slightly and looks over at Craig almost shrinking down in his seat as he caught the glare he was reiceiving, oh dear.... he pursed his lips from behind his hood and slumped down in his seat, he knew this wasn't going to end well... he'd been in many fights with the other male. He simply bit his lip and looked over at the rest of his friends who had a pitying look in their eyes "ugh" he managed out as they moved away to their own groups.

The taller male sneered and slammed his hands on the desk, standing briskly enough to startle Tweek into falling to the floor. He pouted, slowly wondering over to Kenny's table and plonking himself down opposite the blonde with a loud huff, glaring over at Kenny and Cartman, blanking Stan and Kyle as they moved away.

Kenny swallows and offered a simple slightly nervous wave as he watched all his friends move away, well Craig was still glaring...he noticed as he turned to face him, he didn't even know where to begin with speaking to the male"...uh-...hey" he managed out nervously and gave a slight wave to the male in front of him and shifted as Craig's lips twitched in response to Kenny's half muffled words.

Craig contemplated his response, opening his mouth to say something before deciding against it, simply loosening his glare and offering a tight lipped smile and grunted "hi" accompanied with a stiff wave of his own. While Kenny grinned beneath his parka that he had been growing into over the past few years, nodding at Craig before turning to their teacher as he was handed a slip of paper from him, placing the slip on the table between them both he slowly read over it ' life after death' and couldn't help the shudder than made its way through his body, swallowing thickly as his memories flooded his mind... blinking over at Craig as he was, surprisingly the first to speak.

" it's a bit controversial" Craig uttered, lips pulling back into a grim frown " Don't really like talking about it, my family are christian, i'm not" he grumbled, tugging on the tassels of his hat awkwardly. He glanced over at Kenny again, he'd never really seen the boy so close before, and now he could see why he was popular with the girls....and boys. Craig blushed lightly, looking back down at the paper, he didn't even know Kenny... but that didn't mean he couldn't admit that Kenny had a pretty face.

Kenny shrugged his shoulders " i agree.... but we'll manage it can't be that bad..." he murmurs " i feel like this isn't going to end well in many other groups though.... though i can't wait to see what Eric comes up with" he uttered knowing it's going to be bad... a snicker leaving his lips as he fanned his face slightly " its too warm in this damn school.. i'm going to suffocate" he murmurs more to himself at the end than to Craig and simply unzipped his parka and flipped the hood down before sliding it down his arms and laying it on the back of his chair as he let out a sigh of relief, he honestly wouldn't be surprised if he did suffocate in his parka.

Crenny  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن