Chapter Fifteen:

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"Izzy, where are you?" Jack called from the bottom of the stairs. "H-ere!" Izzy squealed, as she ran down the stairs as fast as she could before practically leaping on Jack. "Oof! Why of course-" He spoke, as he put on a funny voice which made the little girl giggle. 

"We've got some very special visitors arriving soon so we've got to get you ready, okay?" Jack continued, as he held Izzy close to him. "Vis-tor?" Izzy repeated, as she tried her very best to pronounce the word correctly. "Visitors are people that visit someone - for example, us, or they visit somewhere, such as Athlone." Jack explained to the little girl. Izzy, however, still didn't completely understand. "W-ho vis-tor?" She wondered, as she tilted her head slightly to the side. "They're very special people who you haven't met before but hopefully, when you do meet them, you'll love them as much as I do." Jack smiled at the little girl. 

"It's a new situation for you, Iz, but not to worry, these people won't hurt you, in fact, they'll love you." Jack soothed the little girl who seemed to be a little bit anxious of what was going to come. 

Once upstairs, Jack settled the little girl down on her bed while he rummaged through her wardrobe in order to pick an outfit out for her to where. He thought he could do with some input from Izzy as he also wanted her to help him decide on an outfit. "What would you like to wear, Iz?"

The little girl practically leapt off of the bed and ran over to her wardrobe. "Th-is!" Izzy exclaimed, before pointing to her Cinderella dress and matching 'glass' slippers. Jack smiled at her, as he watched Izzy run over to her toy box and open the lid, before pulling out her fairy godmother's wand and passing it to Jack. "Do you want to be Cinderella?" Jack wondered, as he picked the little girl up and sat her on his hip. Izzy nodded her head vigorously. 

"I Cin-de-wella!" Izzy squealed, as she looked at herself in the mirror. Jack smiled at Izzy as he watched the little girl twirl and hold onto the corners of her dress. "Cinderella, we'll put your slippers on you when we get downstairs, I don't want you to trip and fall." Jack told her. "o-kay." Izzy agreed, as she followed Jack out of her room and into the hallway.

"It may be hard to see the steps when we go down them, would you like me to carry you or hold your hand?" Jack wondered, as he looked over to the little girl who stood right beside him. Izzy thought to herself for a moment. "...Cawwy!" Izzy decided, as she jumped up and down. "What's the magic word?" He asked. "Pwease!" 

With that, Jack scooped the little girl up and carried her down the stairs. As promised, Jack sat the little girl down on the bottom step and helped her put her glass slippers on. "There we go! You're all set and ready for the ball!" Jack informed Izzy, as he helped the little girl up onto her feet. Izzy giggled to herself. "Now, let me magic you up a carriage to take you to the ball-" Jack began, as he began to cast a spell with his wand. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" He spoke, as he pointed his wand at the floor and immediately transformed himself into what looked like a horse. "Neigh!" 

Izzy began to cry with laughter. For some reason, this was the funnies thing she had ever seen. "Neigh!" Jack repeated himself, making the little girl crack up with laughter. "Your carriage awaits, miss-" Jack spoke, as he cupped his mouth with his left hand and put on a posh voice. Izzy climbed onto Jack's back and wrapped her arms around him so that she wouldn't fall off. Jack began to 'trot' along the floor and make various horse noises. Just as he was about to drop Izzy off to the ball, someone rang the doorbell. 

Izzy tilted her head to the side. Usually the doorbell didn't ring unless the postman was dropping off a parcel. "Post-man?" Izzy questioned, as Jack helped the little girl off of his back. "I don't think that's the postman Iz, I think that's our special visitors." Jack replied, as he got up from the floor and walked over to the front door, before answering it. 

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