Chapter Nine:

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After Izzy's bath, Jack put her straight into her pyjamas and put some warm fluffy socks on her feet. "Now, how about we have dinner and then get ready for bed? It's been a long day." Jack spoke, as he signalled for Izzy to follow him down the stairs. Instead, Izzy put her arms into the air, wanting Jack to carry her. "Pwease?" She asked him, as she pouted a little. She didn't feel like walking, all the running around that she had done today with Jack as well as on her own had worn out her muscles in her legs. "Okay, just because you asked nicely." He smiled at her, as he picked her up gently and sat her on his hip. He then proceeded to walk down the stairs. 

Once in the kitchen, Jack put Izzy down on the floor. "Because it's getting late, how about we bake some jacket potatoes in the oven? We can have some cheese, beans and tuna to go with it if you like-" Jack began, as he turned his attention to the little girl. "Yeah!" Izzy agreed, before trying to climb onto the kitchen counter so that she could watch Jack preparing their food. "If I sit you up here, would you promise to stay put and be careful not to fall off or touch anything that could hurt you?" Jack asked her. "Pwomise, J-ack." Izzy replied, as Jack lifted her up and sat her on the kitchen counter which he wasn't going to use for the preparation of their meal. "I'm going to remind you not to touch things that could potentially hurt you throughout the time that I'm baking the jacket potatoes, okay?" He told her, before making a start on the meal.

Izzy watched as Jack placed two potatoes on a slightly greased baking tray before starting to pour a little bit of oil over each potato. He then pre-heated the oven to 200*C and waited a few minutes for the oven to warm up. "Now Izzy, remember, the oven is very hot and when I'm opening and closing it to put the potatoes in the oven or I'm getting them out, do not touch them because you'll burn yourself." Jack reminded her, as he waited a few more minutes for the oven to heat up before opening the oven with his oven gloves and putting the baked potato tray on the top shelf of the oven. "Wha- dat?" Izzy asked. Jack turned around to face her quickly, "What's what?" Izzy looked at him before pointing to the strange gloves that he was wearing. "Oh, these are oven gloves. I'm wearing them so that when I put food into the oven, I don't burn myself." He told her, before proceeding to set a timer on the oven for the food to cook. He finally shut the oven door and took off his oven gloves. 

"I've set a timer for the food to cook, it's going to take about twenty minutes so until then, is there anything that you'd like to do?" Jack asked the little girl. Just as Izzy was going to say something, she took a deep breath in before sneezing.  "Oh dear, here, let me get you a tissue." Jack spoke, as he tore a little bit of kitchen roll off. He then helped her blow her nose gently. "Now, what do you want to do while the dinner is cooking?" He repeated, before picking her back up and sitting her on his hip. "Umm..." Izzy thought to herself, "hide 'n' seek!" 

Jack smiled slightly. "Alright, we can have a quick game of hide 'n' seek while the food is cooking because I did promise you earlier." He spoke. "J-ack c-oun-t!" She said, trying her best to pronounce the words properly. "Okay, but don't hide somewhere where you could potentially hurt yourself, I don't want you getting hurt." Jack reminded Izzy, who nodded in response before running off to hide somewhere. "One...two..." He began to count. As he did so, Izzy ran into the living room and tried to find a spot to hide in but as she did, her feet and her legs felt extremely heavy, almost like she wasn't able to carry her own weight. Alongside this, she also felt sleepy which was unusual because she wasn't usually tired until after dinner. Instead of hiding in a good spot, she decided to climb onto the sofa and curl up into a ball and sleep a little. 

"Nine...ten! Coming ready or not, here I come!" Jack said from the kitchen. He began to search for Izzy, this time, looking properly just to make sure that she wasn't hidden anywhere dangerous. He walked into the living room and noticed that Izzy was curled up into a ball. "" He questioned slightly, as he walked over to the little girl and noticed that she was asleep. "Izzy? Do you still want to play hide 'n' seek or do you want to sleep while the dinner is cooking?" He asked. However, he didn't receive a response so instead, he decided to leave Izzy to rest for a while. Before going back to check on the food, Jack got a blanket out of the heating cupboard and placed it over Izzy to keep her warm. 

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