17: Beyond What You See

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"All the system sees is money, and I'll have that the moment I report this. I still have scratches, cuts and bruises; my body weight is still below normal. If there's a time for them to believe me, the time is now."

"I'm not allowing you to put a target on your back baby, I just got you to myself... okay?" he looked up at me amidst cutting into the rest of his pancakes. "Okay?"

"I'm sorry but I don't agree." I shook my head, and stood to my feet, making my way over to the bed where his phone was. I sat in the middle, crossing my legs and opened it up to make the phone call.

"Charlotte, just relax. I got this okay."

"But you don't! That's the problem, you're playing a game of chance with my freedom. I need to get out of here, NOW!"

"Charlotte, put the phone down."

"I'm getting us out of here." I said with an eyeroll, I began to dial the number and before I could send it through I felt it being grabbed out of my hand. Shocked, I looked up at Travis who placed his phone into his back pocket. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You think you're slick."

"What do you mean?"

"I know your plan Charlotte, and I'm not letting it go down like that. You want to get out of here, start your career so you can leave me?" he shook his head. "Not going to happen, I've been in love with you for too long to see it go down like that."

"Travis... I'm not going to leave you, what are you talking about?"

"I know you Charlotte, you haven't enjoyed a moment of us being together. All I've heard you talk about is getting out and getting back to your money. Not one moment did you say anything about our long overdue wedding, or our future together."

"That's because I'm on the fucking run, you idiot! Of course, I know all of that is going to happen, but I need to take care of this first."

"We're leaving together Charlotte, and that's that. I'm not about to be booboo the fool and have you trick me into this plan. Have you leave me out here by myself." he said, as he returned back to his food. "Enough of your bull, just shut up and let me handle this." The room began to fill with tension almost immediately, and I was not feeling it. Right now, Travis was all I had and I was not about to have him turn against me, I needed him... more than he needed me. To know his actual thoughts ran chills down my body, this is what he really thought of me?

I let a few moments go by, waiting for him to finish his meal. Once he was done, he returned back to where his laptop was, nervously pulling on his hair as he sat there and watched the stocks. Travis was one of the handsomest men that I had ever laid eyes on and I would be damned to let him slide between my fingers. Not only was he good looking, but he was hard-working, dedicated, determined, and caring, he paid attention to the little things. I had never been in love before, but I was sure that this was the closest thing to it. Knowing me, and the things I've done in the past exposed that to me; if I didn't love him, I would've robbed him and left him for dead if I didn't have plans for him in my future.

I ran my hand up his back that was turned to me, and felt him shift uncomfortably, typing away at the emails before him. Travis was not only balancing getting us out of here but he still had to stay on top of Eazy's work, as well as answering all his check in calls to make sure there was no suspicion. I could feel the tension in his shoulders and knew this was taking a toll on him. "I'm not going to leave you Travis." I whispered, drawing closer to him. "If I was, I would've left a long time ago. I have plans for us, I have plans for our future which is why I'm determined to get us out of here... I want to move on from this, and build my empire with you." I moved his laptop to the side, and made my way in front of him so I could get on his lap. "Without trust, there can be no us. So, I'm going to need you to put your worry and doubt aside for a minute and trust me. I know what I'm doing."

III: The Redemption (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora