Just a Taste

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Moonlight beamed at Ya Lun's sleeping figure. Shi removed his mask. The words the other uttered woke him up. He was now sitting on the bed. Eyes fixed on Ya Lun.

He was unsure. It's either he's Yan Da or he knows someone who is called Yun Fei. Sighing, he lied back down again. He needs more proof to make a conclusion. Right now, he needs to sleep.


Ya Lun created some fire balls. He then launched them, creating big craters on the ice bergs. He grimaced. His attacks were too strong. He only wanted to remove the middle not destroy the ice berg completely. He needs more control.

Raising his arm, he tried again. This time putting a small amount of energy in it. He groaned when his attack landed. It totally disintegrated his target and the one beside it. This only means one thing he has to choose his mates quickly and mate with them. Or else he'll have less control over his powers. That would be total chaos.

"You look depressed." He then heard from behind. He sighed, looking at Li Luo.

"Li Luo, do you know where I can find ..."

"Find?" the envoy guardian repeated.

"Good women ...?" he continued, mentally slapping himself when he realized how that sounded. "I mean... how should I explain this... I need a wife." And a husband...

When Li Luo didn't answer, he bit his lip. "Forget I said that." He said quickly, leaving the scene.

Ya Lun/ Yan Da's POV

That. was. awkward...

It's only just been a short time since I've come of age but it feels like I'm running out of time already. If Li Luo isn't already in love with Ka Suo, I'd choose her.

Who else is there?

Yue Shen? But that means I have to bond with Huang Tuo too. No. I've already chose Ying Kong Shi to be my husband. Chao Ya is already bonded with Liao Jian.

The only ones remaining... are Xing Gui...and dare I say Lan Shang.

I sighed, sitting on the branch of cherry blossom tree. This is a headache. One I can tolerate but I don't like Xing Jiu breathing down my neck most of the time. The other ... ugh... I don't want to even think about it.

I stood up, fixing my robe that's been wrinkled. A soft snore then got my attention. Looking behind the biggest cherry blossom tree, I saw Ying Kong Shi. He was deep asleep.

I chuckled when he moved and his head missed the trunk behind. He was still asleep, though in an awkward position. Silently, I went to him, moving him so his head was leaning on the tree. However, he moved again. This time towards my direction.

I froze. He was basically in my arms. His head on right shoulder. "Y-ying Kong Shi?"

I was answered by a snore. I sighed, letting myself relax. Looking down, I smiled. He looked so peaceful. Raising one hand, I cupped his cheek. It was really soft. "That's not fair. Why are yours softer than mine?"

I said, pouting. Beautiful even more than women.

My eyes caught his slightly parted lips. Tempted. I leaned in capturing them in mine.

Unknown to him three pairs of eyes, saw them. Shocked.

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