Ya Lun

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Flame's eyes snapped open. The strong and powerful energy that came from his kingdom had disturbed his mediation. Quickly, he left the place he's in. Healing himself could wait.

He was almost at the entrance when Shuo Gang came out of nowhere.


"You've felt it too."

"Not only me but all of us. What is it?"

"I have an idea and if I'm right, the other tribes will no match to us." Flame said with an evil smile.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)


Shuo Gang scowled when he saw the unknown man in the throne room.

"Who are you?"

Slowly, the man turned around facing them. "Father." the man said, greeting flame.

"Father?" repeated Shuo Gang. Another son from his women? How come father never told us about him? And his aura is so strong... who is he?

Flame smiled. "You're adjusting quite well than I expected."

"I did scream here and there when I woke up. Imagine my surprise when I woke up like this. Father, care to explain?"

Shuo Gang kept quiet. Just listening to the duo. Something is going on in here that he's not getting.

"Your mother is called a Shifter. All females in their clan has been cursed to bear two forms. Female and male."

"What? Father, you d0don't mean that this person is..." Shuo Gang said, looking again at the man in front of them. "Yan Da!?"

Yan Da smirked. "You've finally realized it. Father continue what else is there to know about. Will I be able to shift back to my former appearance?"

"No need to worry. Both version is you. However, what you need to focus on right now is finding your mates and hiding that immense power of yours."


"Each version of you has to have a mate, you need them to stabilize your power. Once you learn how to control your power, you'll be able to shift back."

"Wait. So, I have to have a male and a female mate?"

Flame nodded, making Yan Da groaned. Why is my life so complicated?

"Careful though. Those mates of yours have to be strong too."

"You mean by power?"

"Hmm not only that but mentally and emotionally. Not to mention they should match you completely."

"Ha? Why so many qualifications?"

"Because that's the way it is."

"Where can I find such mates?"

Flame smirked, knowing the answer. "From the other tribes."


"Yan Da, they don't know this form of yours. You'll easily integrate yourself in their lives. Shuo Gang and I will be gone for quite long. Use this time to do what you must. We will see you then. And here, use this bracelet to hide that aura of yours."

"Wouldn't you need a new name?" Shuo Gang said.

Yan Da smiled. I've already thought about that. "From now on I'm Ya Lun. Youngest prince of the fire tribe. I'll be leaving now then."

Both nodded, bidding him good bye.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Two mates huh? A male and a female...

Male... that should be easy but actually not. Ying Kong Shi never did return my feelings. Should I look somewhere else then? But who? And will I be able to do that when my heart beats for him still?

And the other is female? Will be able to love someone who's the same with my other form? Because even if I'm in this form I'm still Yan Da, the fire princess. Aish, why didn't they tell me this before!? At least, I could have prepared myself! Geez.

Too focused on his thoughts, he didn't notice that he already crossed the borders of the Ice kingdom.

"Stop right there!"

Ya Lun blinked, eyes snapping on the envoy guardians that were surrounding him.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the lands of the Ice tribe?"

"W-... wait I'm where?"

"The land of the Ice Kingdom?" another said. Ya Lun focused his gaze on the familiar woman in front of him. Li Luo?

"Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. I didn't know that I've crossed the borders."

"So, you didn't intend to come here?"

"No. But it seems like my feet have a mind of their own." Ya Lun said, looking down. Mentally scolding himself for being careless.

"What's your name?" Li Luo asked, studying the man. He was wearing simple but elegant clothes telling her that the man in front of them was no ordinary one. Though, she couldn't see his face because of the mask he's wearing. She's sure that she had never seen him before.

"Ya Lun."

"Where are you from?"

"From all over the world. I'm a travelling immortal. I should go. Sorry for troubling you all." He said. Ya Lun didn't go far though when he suddenly crouched down. "A-argh."

The envoys' eyes widen at that. In a flash, Li Luo was on the man's side catching him in her arms when he lost consciousness.

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