Two Hearts, Same Beat

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Shi stared blankly at the curtains surrounding him. He was currently taking a bath. His mind is still a mess.

"Shi? It's me. Can I come in?" Ka Suo's voice then filled his room, making Shi snapped out of his thoughts.

"Of course, Ge. Why are you being polite all of a sudden?"

Ka Suo chuckled. "Just making sure that you're alone." He answered, going in.


Ka Suo just smiled. "You seem out of it. Is there something wrong?"

Ka Suo's POV

I casually asked. Actually, I'm here to ask him about Ya Lun. I saw how they interacted. It was rare for Shi to let people touch him. It was even rarer for him to be like this after an interaction with a person.

He looked completely lost. There's also a hint of redness on his face. If he likes Ya Lun, I have no arguments. As long as he's happy I'm okay with it. I'm a bit worried though. Shi is new to things like this. And Ya Lun is a complete stranger even if Li Luo trusts him.

I don't want Shi to get hurt.

"Shi?" I asked again when he didn't answer. I saw him gulped, avoiding my gaze.

"Ge..." he began. I kept quiet then. Waiting.

"I..." he bit his lip. My eyes narrowed. He does that when he's nervous. "I think...

I'm starting to like Ya Lun."

I felt my heart skipped a beat at that. I wasn't expecting a direct confession. "Shi..." I saw him looked down. I sighed, ruffling his hair.

"Shi, it's okay. Feelings can't be stopped. I just want you to make sure before doing anything about them, though. I don't want you to get hurt."

He smiled. Relief in his eyes. Silly, little brother. I love you no matter what.

Meanwhile with Ya Lun...

He could feel the power in his veins. Raging. Wanting to be let out. It was painful but he held it in. Letting it out, would destroy everything in his room and the ones beside it.

He muffled his screams with his pillow. Cold sweat beaded his whole body. He cursed as he felt it course through his veins faster. The whole night he fought it back. Barely sleeping.

Early morning...

He got up and took a bath. His mind is too muddled. He's still in pain but not like before. Barely awake, he went out of his room. He didn't get far though when he collapsed on one knee.

"Ya Lun?" someone above him called out worriedly. His gaze was blurry so he couldn't see who it was. The scent was familiar though. The scent of ozone and the fresh water. The person crouched down. Hands on his shoulders.

Tired and in pain. He pulled that person in his arms, resting his head on that person's shoulder. Taking a deep breath, the pain he felt slowly fade away.

"You... smell really good." He muttered, finally falling asleep.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Lan Shang's POV...

I usually don't get up early but since something woke me up and I had difficulty sleeping again. I got ready and went out.

The sight that greeted me was something that I didn't expect though. Ya Lun was crouched down on the ground. It was clear that he was in pain. I tried getting his attention but he just looked at me blankly.

I crouched down too, thinking that he'll respond. He did but not in the way  that I thought. I let out a surprise gasped when he pulled me in his arms. Freezing when he leaned in and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Y-ya Lun?" I stuttered. He didn't respond. I felt him move closer, scenting me. Ba-dump. Ba-DUMP. BA-DUMP.

My eyes were wide. It can't be...

"You... smell really good." I heard him say, making my heart beat faster. Crap.

Am I starting to like him!?

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