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I bowed in respect, greeting Ka Suo who was looking at me calmly but I could feel the glare behind his calm expression. I hid a smirk. He noticed it too, huh.

Li Luo was surprisingly gentle towards me. I noticed her looks when she thought that I wasn't looking. No, it's not that kind of look. I know that she doesn't fancy me. She looks at me like a mother looks at her own child.

I think. I somehow woke up her motherly instinct. I internally winched not really remembering what I did.

"Ya Lun?" I heard someone call out, blinking I was met by Li Luo's worried gaze.


Li Luo frowned. Lifting her hand up, checking on my temperature. "You're a bit warm."

"Huang Tuo can you please check on him. He was unconscious until this morning and when he woke up he drank two barrels of wine." She said. No one missed the worry and irritation in her voice.

"I- "I said about to say no but her angry look stopped me. I sighed, letting the healer check on me.

"Your heart beat is quite fast and your energy is unusually shifting inside your body. Are you sure that you're alright?" The healer said, frowning.

I looked down, avoiding Li Luo's piercing gaze.

"Can you do something about it?"

"I can help you with your heartbeat but the battle going on inside of you, I can't do anything about it." He said, slowing down my heartbeat.

"Thank you." I said, feeling a bit better. Though, my body still feels like I'd been run over by a lot horses and someone just punch me through my gut and twisted my insides.

"No problem."

Li Luo was still glaring at me. I ignored it, focusing my gaze at Ka Suo instead. "By the way Prince Ka Suo, you really have beautiful cherry blossoms in here. Don't they ever wither?"

"As long as the ice castle don't melt, the cherry blossoms in here would never wither." Someone answered from behind me. I felt my heartbeat skipped at the familiar voice.

"Ying Kong Shi," I said, realizing my mistake too late.

I saw his brows furrowed deep when he's finally in front of me. I then saw him smirked.

"Well, now that isn't fair it seems like you already know me but I don't even know your name."

"My name is Ya Lun," I quickly answered, mentally slapping myself inside. Yan Da, if you continue being like this in front of him. He'll definitely notice that there's something wrong.

I felt relieved though when he just let out a small smile at my antics. I'm glad that I'm wearing a mask, hiding my reddened cheeks from the rest of the world.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

I sighed happily looking at the snow mountains. The princes told us to stay in the Ice Palace as guests. Li Luo was a bit hesitant but I convinced her with my puppy eyes. Just kidding. It's Ka Suo who convinced her. Those two should get married already. Honestly, their feelings for each other are too obvious.

However, what was that? I sense something different about Ka Suo. I couldn't feel anything from him like his powers had completely disappeared. Or is it just me? Did my transformation affect my senses too?

"So, where are you right now?"

Huh? I blinked in confusion, looking behind.

"Sorry, it just looked like you were too concentrated on your thoughts." Ying Kong Shi said, approaching me.

"Can I try something?" I asked, stopping him on his tracks.

"What is it?"

"Just stand still okay?" He nodded. Curiosity in his eyes. I slowly went towards him, stopping only a few inches from him. Closing my eyes, I lift my hand, putting it on his shoulder. Which wasn't difficult to do  because we're almost at the same height.

I concentrated on his energy. Hmm. I could feel his power. I released him, taking few steps back. I could still feel it. Maybe, I should go farther. I took another steps back. Then another. I was surprised though when I felt him grabbed my waist, pulling me close to him. I quickly opened my eyes, meeting his.

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