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The Blaze City had been so quiet since father left to recuperate and Shuo Gang went somewhere that I don't know about. I was the only royal left in here.

I sighed. Not really feeling well. My body was unusually hot the past few days like something in me is trying to come out. Some nights I woke up drenched in my own sweat. The heat in my body unbearable.

Is it because my 130th birthday is near? That's right. I'll be 130 years old in two days. If the circumstances are different, right now, our kingdom should be bustling with people.

Our servants would be busy preparing the things needed for my birthday, attending to our visitors and such. Unfortunately for me, it seems like I have to "celebrate" my birthday alone.

Aish, this is depressing. Making a decision, I changed my clothes and left for the mortal realm. It's not like someone's going to look for me. Shuo Gang and father just left without any notice. Why can't I do the same?

No one will dare to enter our tribe anyway.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

I was enjoying myself. I'm at a town called Shift. Weird name, isn't it? However, it's a very beautiful place. The people are also lively and friendly.

Sadly, I can't stay here for long. The healer tribe is near here. I don't want to meet any allies of the ice clan right now. Tightening my cloak around me, I sauntered forward. I hadn't gone far though when an old woman blocked my way.

"You." she said, coming towards me. I frowned.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing. I just want to give this to you." she said, giving me a bag made of silk. It's full of ...clothes?

"Thank you but I don- "I blinked. The old woman was gone. In fact, there was no trace of her at all.

W-what was that? Should I just leave this in here? But that would be disrespectful...

Shrugging, I took the bag with me. It's not like the clothes will magically come to life and suddenly kill me.


The old woman watched the fire princess leave the town. "Good luck, young shifter. I hope you pass the trials of your awakening and may God blessed you with strong mates that will love you for who you are."

Few minutes before Yan Da's birthday...

The fire princess tossed and turned on her bed. Her brows furrowed in pain. Sweat glistened on her forehead. Her breathing is harsh. The heat of her body was starting to go up burning her clothes slowly. Even her blanket and sheet were already burning into ashes.

When twelve struck, her eyes snapped open. A silent scream came out of her mouth. Fire engulfed her whole body. A crack was then heard, signaling that the seal was broken. That it's time for the other to wake up. Her other self. The side that had been hidden for a long time.

The transformation then began. Her long luscious hair became shorter. Her feminine figure had become muscular. Moreover, her energy become more powerful. So, strong in fact that the other tribe leaders felt it, waking them from their deep sleep.

When it's done, a young gorgeous man could be seen asleep on Yan Da's bed instead of the beautiful fire princess. The man's breathing is calm with a content smile on his angelic face.

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