Nothing left to hide; 04

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I've been working on this for quiet sometime now it's up on my tumblr, but decided to post it on here aswell so i can get more feedback :D thanks to whoever is reading it!!!

I opened my eyes adjusting to the light that shined throughout the bus staring at the ceiling, my brain was a bit fuzzy from last the party last night after the concert, I couldn’t remember what had happened as soon as I adjusted to the light I sat up noticing we were on the tour bus it was moving which meant we had left Galveston TX, I checked the time it was now 1pm I noticed the boys were still asleep and half the crew members, Cameron was already awake texting on his phone, he looked up and noticed I was awake.

“Morning.” He said putting down his phone and took a sip of his coffee.

“Morning.” I replied back with a smile also pouring a cup of coffee and sit across from him turning on my phone seeing I had a few texts from mom so I had opened a new text and told her I was doing okay and that I loved and missed her and turned it off once I was finished.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” Cameron asked sipping his coffee again.

I shook my head, “Nope, my brain is kind of fuzzy.” She said sighing.

                An hour later the boys had woken up, took their showers, and changed clothes, Ryan walked over pouring some coffee and sit down next to me, Cameron and I stare at each other before he stood from his spot leaving us alone, I bit my lower lip.

“Hey you okay Ryan?” She asked hoping that maybe he knew what had happened last night.

“This is the worst I have ever felt.” He said, I patted his back and smiled.

“It looks like the worst you’ve ever been, nah I'm playing you look good for having a hang over.” I joked with a sly grin, he laughed moving some hair out of his eyes before taking a sip of his coffee.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” I ask.

“No, I was going to ask you the same thing.” He said staring down at the table, I sigh softly.

“I remember a few things.” He said not looking up at me.

“Tell me! Please?” I gave him the sad puppy dog face.

“No, it’s nothing that would interest you.” He said smiling.

“Please tell me Ryan.” I pouted batting my eye lases.

“Honestly, nothing happened Lindy I promise you that.” He said leaving it to that and stood from his spot, I sigh deciding to let it go for now but was going to bring it back up later, that afternoon the boys made a special request and we had stopped at Taco Bell for lunch before we went to the Venue, once we had finished eating we got to the venue, I began to get to work checking things off on the list after Cameron and I had sit the equipment up, while he got the guitars ready I was handed posters to put all around the venue, once I was finished I was sitting in the dressing room with the guys listening to my music until I got told to do something else but it was time for the guy’s to go on stage, they did their show and started it off with “Beautiful Freaks.” Getting the fans pumped up.

After the show Ryan walked backstage grabbing a towel wiping the sweat off and grabbed some water, “I smell.” He said as he sit next to me on the couch.

“Well you can shower after the meet and greet.” I smile at him.  “So are you ever going to tell me what happened last night?” I ask deciding it was now or never to bring the subject back up.

“Nothing happened.” He said slyly with that charming smile.

“Was it something bad?” I ask, only wanting to get to the point.

“I don’t know, depends on what you think of the definition of bad.” He said playing with the water bottle in his hand not staring at me.

“Bad. As in something I may regret bad?” I ask, when it came to all of this I get confused easily he wasn’t making it any better.

“Maybe” he said standing up walking away, I sigh getting up to help Cameron put the instruments back on the trailer as the guy’s went to their meet and greet.

At that point I wasn’t sure if I liked Ryan more than just a friend of something more, yes I did find him very attractive, but what I really wanted to know Is what he thought of me, I was worried that whatever it was he wasn’t telling me was something bad, Cameron and I closed the doors to the trailer once I had checked everything I found Ryan standing behind me as I turned around once I checked off the last thing on the list.

“What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you.” He said, walking forward, I was growing neverous.

“I saw you a minute ago.” I confessed looking at the list making sure I had everything down.

“Put that down.” He sounded a little irritated.

“I’m working right now.”

“Lindy, I’m trying to talk to you please listen to me.” He pleaded

 “I am listening to you Ryan, and working aswell.” I said, he stormed over snatching the board from my hand and threw it down on the sidewalk by the bus.

“Are you finally going to tell me?” I ask.

“You really want to know what happened last night don’t you?” He asked.

“Yes I do Ryan, I want to know what happened that was so bad that you seem to be to afraid to tell me.” I answer.

He looked down a second then stared at me, “You told me how you felt about me.” He said quietly, “You told me you really liked me.” He finished running his fingers through his soft blonde hair.

“And how do you feel about me?” I ask afraid of what his answer would be.

“I feel the same way about you.” He said softly, I didn’t know what else to say. “Something else happened last night aswell.” He stated firmly.

I was afraid to ask, I felt a lump in my throat. “What?” I ask.

“This.” He took my face in his hands and pressed his warm soft lips against mine. What I felt was different to any other kiss, I felt that spark and once we pulled away I instantly wanted more, I could tell by his expression that he felt the same, I felt him stroke my cheek with his thumb.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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