nothing left to hide 03

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“Rise and shine!” John shouted, his voice echoing throughout the bus, I rolled over rubbing my eyes getting up quietly going through my bag and found what I wanted to wear walking into the bathroom and closed the door behind me I let out a yawn as I leaned against it as I locked it I looked myself in the mirror smiling, I slipped out of my pajamas and into some destroyed denim shorts and an American Eagle T shirt, I brushed my hair and my teeth staring at myself once more, I was the kind of girl who didn’t like to wear makeup because I was told I didn’t need it, I slipped on my hoodie and walked out throwing my pajamas back into my bag as I passed my bunk and met up with John and Cameron in the front of the bus, I poured myself some coffee and joined them.

“Alright here’s a list for you Lindy I want you to call each Venue to confirm dates and things.” He smiled looking at Cameron, “After the bus stops I want you two to go and make sure everything is in place and order, make sure we have everything.” He said sipping his coffee, About an hour later I was finished and took a seat next to Cameron, he smiled at me.

“How are you liking it here so far?” he asked.

“It’s fun, I like it.” I smile at him.

“It’s really easy once you get the hang of it, You’ll have me to coach you through things but you’ll pick it up in no time.” He smiled.

The bus had come to a stop Cameron and I stood up as John handed us both two pieces of paper, “Now check the boxes off and number them.” He handed me and Cameron the sharpie, “I think Cameron can teach you the rest.” He smiled at us letting us go, The sun was bright and warm Cameron opened the trailer in the back of the bus and we stepped inside, it didn’t take us long to check everything off the list we had both walked back inside seeing the guys were up, Ryan was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee sitting in front of him along with his Laptop, he looked up from the screen and smiled noticing my presence, I smiled back at him.

Ryan motioned for me to come sit beside him, I nervously walked over and sit beside him as he scooted over, he looked at me. “So did you sleep alright?” he asked, he seemed nervous, but I smile and answer.

“Yeah.”  Ryan and I had our bowl of cereal we spent half the morning talking, it was nice, he was really sweet.

                By the end of the day we had reached the venue which took quicker than I thought it would we arrived at Galveston and my first task was to help Cameron unload the equipment off the trailer and onto the stage.

The rest of the band had gotten off the bus to practice and do sound checks once we sorted everything out, once Cameron and I had finished we sit back and relax watching them practice, I kept staring over at Ryan he had an amazing voice he could probably tell I was staring because he glanced over at me a few times and smiled, Cameron must of noticed because he nudged me which brought me back to reality and I stared down at the floor

After sound check we were all told to go to the room backstage and that there is food in there for us all and drinks, we scurried in there we each got something to eat and a bottle of water, I didn’t feel awkward only until Nash had come over, he was probably curious to who caught his best friends eye.

“Hey.” He said, eating a sandwich, I smiled at him.

“Hey” I replied. He sit down, it was rather quiet and awkward.

“So you’re the new intern?” he asked.

“Yeah, that’s me. My names Lindy”

“Oh Cool.” We sat there eating, it had become quiet again.

 The rest of the day was spent with the guy’s goofing off, and pulling pranks on one another, Later on Ryan came over and sit next to me he looked nervous, I raised my eye brow.

“Hey, can I speak to you for a second?” he asked, he looked a little worried.

“Yeah sure” I brought my full attention to him, our eyes met for a second until he looked down at the table quickly. “What’s up? Are you okay?” I ask.

“Uh, yeah, well sort of I wanted to ask- “

“Are you nervous? Don’t be you do this all the time.” I say interrupting him.

“No it’s not that, I kind of want to tell you how I fe-“ John’s voice interrupted him.

“Five minutes you guys!” He shouted.

Ryan sighed standing up leaving me there confused as I watched him walk over to the rest of the guy’s wondering what it was he wanted to talk to me about.

Nothing left to hide; HCR Ryan Follese StoryWhere stories live. Discover now