Nothing left to hide; 02

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The clock reached 12am I was exhausted but it seemed like the boys were wide awake and hyper, I didn’t want to be the first to go to bed though so I only waited till at least one of the guy’s decided to go to bed to get up myself and go to bed, I stayed up for another hour until everyone noticed I was tired, Ryan had finally walked over and said something, I hadn’t really noticed how quiet he had been around me but I didn’t let it bother me I knew he’d say something to me eventually.

                “If you want you can go to bed, they’ll be up for another few hours or so, I’m thinking of going to sleep aswell.”  He said, smiling, he was so beautiful, his smile was breath taking.. I shook the thought out of my head and came back to reality.

“Are you sure I won’t get a reputation of being the boring one?” I ask with my eye brow raised.

“No I promise, sometimes I always go to bed before them anyway.” He took my hand, why all of a sudden was he talking to me? I couldn’t figure it out everyone else spoke to me expect him, now he’s wanting to talk to me. He turned to the rest of the guy’s. “We’re going to bed now. Night.” I could see Nash give Ryan a look and a wink before we walked to the bunks, Ryan had walked into the bathroom leaving me to get ready for bed knowing he was doing the same exact thing, I pulled on my pajamas and got my phone texting my mom letting her know I was at least okay and survived a day with all guy’s and turned it off for the night so it wouldn’t wake anyone up, I could hear the door open and close from the bathroom.

“Why are you talking to me all of a sudden?” I ask curiously raising an eye brow.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“You weren’t talking to me earlier.” Maybe I should have never brought it up, but I was curious.

“Oh, I’m just stressed and tired is all, Don’t worry about it.” He smiled. “I’m talking to you now aren’t i?” he asked with A smile. “So are you nervous about being our intern?” he asked.

“No not really.” I say laying on my bunk. “Should I be?” I ask with my eye brow raised.

“You shouldn’t be, our crew is pretty awesome, Cameron would show you all the works and teach you, you’ll pick it up in no time.” He assured me, I knew he was smiling which also made me smile it got quiet again my mind drifted off thinking about how lucky I would be if I ever had the chance to date Ryan, but my thoughts were interrupted once again by his voice.

“Night , .”

I couldn’t help but to smile hearing him say my name, I snapped out of it and responded. “Night , Ryan.” It was now quiet which meant he had fallen asleep, I smile turning over on my right side facing the wall and fell asleep not feeling as nervous anymore.

Super short i know, but i'm only posting up what i have typed up and uploaded already on tumblr :)



Nothing left to hide; HCR Ryan Follese StoryWhere stories live. Discover now