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Anastasia's P.O.V

"Why are you..... Why are you leaving me." I stuttering tears were at the brim of my eyes almond silver eyes threatening to pour out but I wouldn't let them. My pale oval face turned to the right ever so slighting causing my deep brown hair to flow on an angle down past my right shoulder stopping at my stomach. I was looking at her waiting an explanation as to why she had brought me here.

She looked down at my small 5 year old self and sneered causing her square, tan wrinkled face to show all her wrinkles. Her long, Mong pointer finger of her left hand stretched out and pointed at me. "Why wouldn't I leave you here! Your a disgrace to my family." Her brown hair, similar to mine, move slighting in her bob cut everything she made a movement. Her brown eyes shone with hate red that was directed towards me.

I went to open my mouth and say something to her in response but that would just cause more screaming. I may be only five but I looked like a three year old and acted like an adult when I wanted to. Guess it comes with being an Alphas pup or having Arrow as my wolf.

"You," she snarled once again, "are going to stay here and hopefully die but if I see you again I will kill you, myself." Shaking with rage as she said this her glare hardened as if I was a pile of useless garbage.

One thing that I was never able to stop was when I got scared or in troubled I shifted straight into my wolf, Arrow. She, as I have been told constantly, is nothing special. Her fur was a brown tinted black, the colour depended on the light, with a pure white colour on her stomach and paws.

I shifted young and had an extremely high intelligence which is why I assumed my parents hated me. My father was more focused on teaching my brother to express this hatred but my mother voiced it loud and clear.

My parents never physically hurt me, no, my brother would have killed them, but I was a mistake and my mother wanted me dead. My older brother was the only one who really cared about me but I can barely remember him now. He wasn't allowed near me after I was 3 because I was such a disgrace.

I taught myself on what I had with the help of Arrow. She was my light that was wise beyond her years and she taught me all she magically knew. I'm just going to assume she knew more because she had the intellect that you do when you normally shift.

People shift from between the ages of 12-16 and I get the feeling I was more than likely going to shift at 16 but nope I shifted at 3.

I watched her walk away with a gleeful sway in her hips and I just stood there as, a wolf, in front of the forest, stunned. I should have expected this one day but this just shows a whole new low to that women I still called a mother so I did the only thing I could think to do I turned to the forest and ran.

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